
Male question, kinda gross!

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I am a 15 year old male, a few weeks ago i felt this burning sensation in my p***s, and i still have it to this day, i have visited my doctor and my lab test came back negative for UTI

I am also a virgin

Please help! im going to Disney in about a week and i dont want this problem while i am their!




  1. ok it is probbal because you m********e i am a girl sorry to tell you but idk i thnk that you should just stop masterbating even thought you love that feeling (probbaly) so anyway just stopp masterbating for a while and then it should probbaly stop

  2. rub burn buddy!!.....lub up bro get some ky,lotion, or baby oil and try not to yank it so hard  

  3. i think it is becuz u m********e to much and the germs on ur hands could have a diease on them!

  4. Didn't your doctor give you any other advice??

    Maybe try using moisturizer when you m********e...i don't know. your doctor sounds useless, go back and tell him you want it fixed

  5. It might be that there is still some s***n left in your urinary tract. After you finish masturbation, run your finger all along the underside of your p***s. Then go pee to make sure it is all out.

    If you have a f******n, you might just not be cleaning it right. When you shower, you need to pull the f******n back all the way and wash the head of your p***s, then rinse reaaallly well, because if you have any soap left in there, it will burn the rest of the day.

  6. I'm not clear if the burning sensation is "in" your p***s or "on" your p***s.  If the pain is inside, perhaps whatever you're using for lubricant when you m********e is getting inside your urethra (the hole where urine comes out of your p***s).  Urethral tissue can be quite sensitive. Early on, when I first began masturbating, I learned I could not use soap or shampoo as lube, for that very reason.

    If your discomfort is on the outside of your p***s, and your doc really didn't have answers, I would seek a second opinion, this time from a urologist.

  7. I assure you, it has nothing to do with masturbating -- that's totally unrelated.  The tests came back negative for UTI -- then they are missing something.

    What did the doctor say when you explained why you wanted the tests and that you were a virgin?  You need to keep pushing for resolution --- that just isn't normal. You could have passed a tiny kidney stone I suppose, but still...


  8. well, I am not sure since it ain't the uti. but maybe slack off of jacking off. lol, rhymed! but if it doesn't change then, tell them to take every possible test till they get a match

  9. humm not sure bud, SO it burns all the time like 24/7? If it does, I would be taking more trips to the doctors office!

    Masturbation shouldn't have anything to do with it, unless your using the wrong things to m********e with. Do not use soaps, bodywash, or shampoos if you m********e with thoes STOP.

    Also some types of hand lotions aren't all that good for you.

    I like Johnson & Johnson baby lotion with aloe.

    If its good for a baby, it has to be good for my p***s!

    Another thing, as said.

    When your done masturbating, Milk your p***s.

    All the way from under your balls, all the way to the top.

    This will help get out any sperm thats left inside your p***s.

    Also, maybe go to the bathroom after. This will flush everything out.

    But I've found milking is almost a must.

    I hope this helps. if you have anyother info, post it or send me an email.

    But if its NONE of the above, I would be back at the doctors office TODAY!

    Hope you feel better! And have fun on your trip!

  10. dont use bar soap when you jerk~off.... it get's in the pee hole & burns.

    try hair conditoner.

    (thats the best I can do being you dont mention if the burning is constant or just when you yank it.)

  11. Most likely is still UTI despite the negative lab test. Is there any redness or discharge?Do you have fever? stopping masturbation for a few days is also a good idea. Drink plenty of fluids. If it doesnot subside, see a urologist.

  12. If you have a burning sensation in your p***s after you masturbated it means that some s***n got stuck in the urethra:drink a lot of cranberry juice to flush out any left over s***n:and lots of water too.

    Next time squeeze from the bottom to the tip all s***n out:problem gone


    It is just debri burning.

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