
Malt-o-meal for baby?

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I have an 8 month old. I have some malt-o-meal and i am reading the box. There is quite an extraordinary nutritional value to this cereal. Can i give it to my baby mixed with formula? I know that most people are not healthcare professionals, but i am just curious if anyone has tried it. Of course, i plan to ask my doctor tomorrow, i am just wondering. Thanks




  1. I haven't ever tried it but it seems like a pretty complex food for a baby. Why not stick to the mixed grain baby cereals to be on the safe side until the baby is a little older? Formula has great nutritional value all by itself.  

  2. Oh yes, your 8 month old can definately eat it!

    Both of my kids ate Malt-O-Meal and oatmeal as soon as they could eat solids--and they were both fine.

    The only thing I would caution is allergies--as long as your child has been ok with infant cereal, he/she should be fine with the Malt-O-Meal!
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