
Maltese Surname-Buttigieg?

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Does anybody know any information about the Maltese surname, Buttigieg? It was my granfather's name but I would like to know where it originates and also some history on it




  1. hey! i found this on a site:

    'My father once told me that in olden times, the prefix BU meant OWNER and since TIGIEG means Chickens, they used to be called "owners of chickens". Then the version of BU TIGIEG was joined and it became BUTTIGIEG. Maybe that is why the painting I have has only ONE "T" on it!!!! I do not know if this is the true origin of the name.

    Submitted by Alex "The Sharkman" Buttigieg


    I am a Buttigieg from Izmir,Turkey. My greatgreatgrand father came from Gozo Malta and must have setled in Izmir at about 1870.

    The Buttigieg crest that I have on it it has the blue sky a white star of David under neath ther is a gold stipe and under the stripe there is a purple sea a barrel and on the barel a rooster.

    As for the surname I was told by my family that Butti stand for head or leader and gieg is chicken. Aperently in the Maltese language which you know beter then me there is not the word of rooster so when you combine Butti and GGieg it means rooster. That's my part of story.

    Submitted by A W Buttigieg'

    on the site there are some pics of the crest of the Buttigieg family.  you can see them here on the site:

    there you can find also from where i copy-pasted the above information

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