
Maltese or Toy Poodle? Or Maltipoo?

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Maltese or Toy Poodle? Or Maltipoo?

Which dog mostly fits these words?

Does really well with children

Friendly with other dogs

Really playful

Likes to be cuddled and petted

Does not bark much

Has less health problems





    i would say that the malti-poo is  very cute and you would have to met the parents of the mix breed in order to make that  decision.

    check out this site it has some very useful information ..  good luck and hope you find the right puppy ..

    i have  two mixed  bred dogs and  yes you can say they are  muts however they are  very friendly and they are very loving ..

    i have a   17 month old b***h-Poo.Bichon and toy Poodle mix .he is the very loving,loves to  cuddle and loves to  be the center of attention.he barks only when  someone comes to the door.  he is not  nippy , doesnt bite, and loves to be around other dogs and love my children and my  nieces ( who are very young)  health  problems ..umm just with the hair in his ears nothing more than a  bichon would have ..  

    i also have a 2 yr old  c**k-A-Cochon. Bichon , American Cocker  Spaniel mix . health prolems? nope not a one !!!! he loves to  play and he loves to cuddle he loves to  be center of attention... he  loves children of all ages  .. he  loves to be around other dogs . he has never met a stranger in his mind .. he loves  to  be outside and play . he only  barks when  he is playing or when he want s you to play. he does not  bite  nor is he  nippy ..  

    as with any dog you need to  train them and you need to treat them with RESPECT..

  2. Your question is not logical, all dogs need to be trained to be what you ask.

    Each dog is an individual, no breed has a standard issue for temperament and likes.

    All dogs bark - especially small dogs.

    Maltipoo is NOT a breed, it is a mix, a mutt, anybody paying for a mutt from a bad breeder (and only bad breeders breed mutts) is just plan gullible.

    Depending on the age of your children, small dogs are not appropriate - they are too delicate, get hurt easily when kids are rough - and then bite the kids.   Of course, the dog gets blamed.

    You will need to monitor the dog and the kids closely in any case, to be sure they are not rough with the dog and he isn't getting impatient with them and ready to go at them - not all dogs like kids, and that's another individual case.

    Your best bet would be to go to a shelter and pick an adult dog that is KNOWN to like kids and have experience with them.

    You can also try a breed rescue - poodle or maltese (but that's so wrong for small kids) - they likely also have the mutt cross you want (maltipoo) since many rescues will take in mixes if they look like the breed they rescue.

    All dogs love to be cuddled and petted - and get tummy rubs - if they trust and love you and you are kind to them and make them feel safe.

    As to health problems, again an older, vetted dog would be safest - but there is no guaranty that any dog will never develop health problems, and that is not a breed issue either.   You can be, however, that if you get a dog from a back yard breeder or puppy mill, there WILL be health problems, especially in a small breed that they just love to "teacup" and "micro" --- words that mean RUNT, sickly runt.

    Please think this over carefully, temperament is far more important than looks - especially when children are involved.

  3. My aunt has always had poodles, and they were never friendly at all... very snippy, and would bite us as kids... I've heard Maltese's are good dogs.. And as far as a "maltipoo" goes, absolutely not.. is all a "maltipoo" is, is a mutt breed by an irresponsible money hungry person, who does not care about animals. Don't contribute to people who "breed" any "designer dogs"... You could also consider adopting.. Take your kids to the shelter, and let them look around for a dog that would suite them... You can also play with the dogs, so you could see first hand if the dog will be good with kids.  

  4. toy poodle probably, MOSTLY, but if you're getting a dog, don't get the maltipoo.  irresponsible breeding will cause more problems...

  5. Well most little dogs don't like kids. Some do good with other dogs  if properly socialized. Maltese are playful but nippy. Poodles are very nippy. Maltese like to be pet and poodle want everything thier way. Any little dog barks A LOT. And any dog has health problems. Go to a reputable breeder whom does health checks/testing on thier dogs to find the best dog.

    Notice I never once mentioned a "multipoo". This is becasue it is a MUTT. They are poorley bred puppymill mutts that usually have TONS of health problems. There is NO reputable breeder of these dogs because not GOOD breeder will breed MUTTS.

    If you are chossing between a poodle and maltese I say the Maltese but a pug sounds like it would fit what you are looking for. Go to your local pound are shelter and they will find you a wonderful dog that needs a loving home.

    I have been around both poodles and maltese. Both dogs are sweet but if they are in the right home. At our shelter we had a very sweet purebred toy poodle. She was the sweetest little girl. Poodles are good dogs but they need a lot of training because they tend to be stubborn but so is my boxer. Maltese are good dogs but I have come across many that are snippy but that is just the way most small dogs are.

  6. I have to say I do not agree with the people who say toy poodles are nippy.I have bred and raised toy poodles for years and not a single nippy one and the pups are all happy non nippy.Nippy dogs come from lack of training or spoiling by an owner.Also just because a pup is mix breed does not mean it has more health problems .Where the heck did that idea come from? Since all the breeds and mix you mentioned are small they can be alright with  older children.The biggest issue is not only does the pup need to be trained ,children also need to be taught the correct way of caring and handling pups/dogs.Small dogs do bark some.Most dogs do,Here again "Training" is the key word.

  7. I have 3 maltipoos, two are girl and now 5 years old and one are a boy and will be 3 in November and they are related. They are part Poodle, part Maltese.

    They are really sweet and very cuddly! They need lots of loves, doesnt have any health problems and deffentily loves children and people!! They bark when people comes to the door and they are like a gaurd like warning you that someone is here!! They dont bite! They are very playful, Really playful and keeps people company!! They dont have any problem with other dogs but sometime mine is sometime afraid of big dog when they see them they will hide behind you!! LOL

    They are just sweet!!

  8. A Maltipoo needs to be the FIRST one of the list, b/c they have endless health problems. The Maltese like to be cuddled and petted WAY too much, and if they dont get what they want, they will likely throw a fit.

    Toy Poodles would be a good choice. Maybe you should research some things about the dog before you get it. And to see if it really suits your lifestyles.


    Maltipoo... X

    Maltese... X

    Toy Poodle... :)

    Toy poodles would be a good choice.

  9. You want less health problems? Then the malti-poo needs to be erased off of that list. Those dogs have ENDLESS health issues due to poor breeding and genetic defects.

    I personally have never owned a maltese, but I do own, and have owned, toy poodles.

    They are absolutely wonderful dogs. My current boy, who is about 15, watches over our newborn niece every second of every minute that she's here, hes extremely playful and he loves other dogs. He's naturally protective, so he does bark when he feels the need to, but its not obsessive barking. We have never had a health issue from him yet. In 15 years of ownership, he's had a clean bill of health his entire life. He sleeps in laps and on feet, and couldn't be any happier than if he's sitting next to you on the couch.

    They aren't purse dogs, by any means. They are energetic and happy, so they need exercise.

    I highly recommend the toy poodle, but make sure you do proper research on the breed. And if you do decide to go with this breed, purchase from a rescue, shelter, or reputable breeder. Don't buy from a pet shop or a breeder who sells teacup poodles or poodle mixes. That guarantees a sickly dog.

    Any mixed breed that was purposely bred, like the maltipoo, sheagle, puggle, teacup ANYTHING, yorkipoo, etc are ALL unhealthy and have EXTREMELY unpredictable temperaments. NEVER buy this mixed breed unless its from a shelter.

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