
Mama Drama..?? pls someone help!..??

by  |  earlier

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srry so long but pls help!

ok so if i was to describe my mom right now, i'd say shes stingy, greety and selfish. so school is about to start for me, incoming sophmore, and im in need of new clothes. the last time i went shopping for clothes was like, before i started 8th grade. My mom works two jobs and so does my step-dad. and my step-dad does not have a day off at all and my mom takes and is in control of all the money, so its kinda impossible to ask him for hes sick. if i do, he'll just be like, 'just talk to ur mom'. so him, i wouldnt bother.

well thats kind of the reason why i try not to ask too much from any of them. they work so hard and is always tired. but since like last year ive been asking my mom to go shopping. her response is always, 'wait till i have enough money'. since last year, ive been waiting. shes always making promises but NEVER follows through. more like LIES. for instance, she said we'll go shopping this saturday like weeks before, and when i asked/ reminded her lastnight if we were going to get things we need, she was like, 'what do you mean? what do you need?'(in a wtf r u talkin bout attitude). then she starts talking bout these things she needs to pay just to make me feel bad, cuz she knows that i will. she always does that! and im sooo sick of it! i do alot here for everyone!..if you only knew..i feel so unappreciated in this fuckn house! ive been veryy patient w/ everything and pray alot cuz i know for sure GOD does answer ur prayers. I KNOW frm experience. but its just that i try so hard and im tired! i want her to understand that i dont just WANT new clothes, but i NEED new clothes. but i dont know how to tell her.

the thing that pisses me off the most is that she goes off and buys herself new clothes and also for my little brother! after work she'll come home wearing new clothes but i wouldnt say anything. she like shops behind my back! id definantly get a job if i could but i dont drive and wouldnt have anyone to drive me. im starting to get the feel of why my other siblings dispise her. im just the one whose always been by her side and the one who loves her and will do ANYTHING for her. i just cant honestly say that she feels the same way about me. i love her so much because she works hard to give us what we need. and i do ALOT here to help out and dont get anything in return not even a thankyou. i mean it all come down to this, this is the thing that bothers me the most. its that she treats me like ****! its not really about the clothes, money and things like that. i feel like im always trying to make my mom love me and im sooo tired of trying. id leave this shithole if i could.

maybe some of u guys think that im the one being selfish. but no. i try to make everyone happy and help when help is needed.

i would never do this to my kids when i grow up.

if she only knew how much pain i feel inside.

pls someone tell me what to do. how do i tell her???!!!




  1. Go and explain your situation to your local charity. Something like, Goodwill or Women-in-need. They will help you-They get some very good stuff that they don't always put in the stores, they save it for needy people. Your mama sounds like she is doing it pretty tough and is probably exhausted.

    If you do your praying at a church, there is probably some socialworker or counsellor there who would help you. I wish you very good life and happiness.

  2. wow dat waz alot of readin..


    anywayz tell ur mom dat she souldnt be buying herself new clothes instead of u

    start a conversation where u cant lose

    dat or learn 2 drive or get a job really close 2 home

    though ur mom would probably take half ur money

    dont let her control ur life

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