
Mama mia! A car almost hit me?

by  |  earlier

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now why would they do that to little ol me




  1. U-G-L-Y You ain't got no alibi, you ugly! Yeah yeah you ugly.

  2. Musta been blind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Well since this is in the Rail section I assume you were almost hit by a train. What did you want? Were you expecting him to swerve first or something? NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!

  4. Didn't see ya.

  5. your a hot ma ma,maybe car thinks you pretty,who like to meet you head on

  6. You need to correct your statement. A car most certainly did NOT almost hit you. The driver of the car almost hit you.

  7. Are you a traffic warden

  8. Were you riding your bike on the wrong side of the road?

  9. Maybe the driver was blinded by your beauty and lost control.

  10. Get on the right side of the road honey.

  11. Maybe it was an accident?

  12. Mayb there was some one else to save on the other side of the road more important than u.  

    Just kidding

  13. Well i wouldn't know your not giving full details of what exactly happened!

  14. Mamma Mia! They almost hit you? d**n!  Thank God they didn't!

  15. stop driving and playing with your lap top. if your not driving get off the crack

  16. Funny

  17. got their licence as a cracker jack prize

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