
Mammogram?? NEED HELP ASAP?

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my mom had hers done and it came out Not-Normal. Shes getting a sonogram or ultra sound done right now. and im sooooooooo nervous.

if the test comes back not normal what are the chances of it being something else then cancer. or what else could it be.

sorry if im not making sense. im just very nervous and nothing is making sense right now :(




  1. Take a deep's gonna be ok.  *sends hug*

    The doctors ordered more tests to find out what it could be - if your mom's a little older, like in 40's or 50's it could be a cyst, or a benign tumor.  If she has bigger b*****s, it could be just a bad mamogram (they aren't the most perfect, clear pics). Have women in your family had breast cancer? It runs in families....that's not a perfect garuntee that she will or won't have it, but it might ease your mind a little. The ultrasound should help the doctors out; the next step after that would be a biopsy to test for cancer.  

    The REALLY important thing is that the doctor's caught whatever it is, and that your mom and doctor are taking it seriously.  It sounds like they're doing everything possible to make sure she's gonna be ok.  

    Just take a big deep breath and hug your mom. I'm sure she's twice as scared as you right now.  

  2. There are a few reasons why a woman would be called back for more images after a mammogram.   When an ultrasound is needed, after a mammogram, it could be because the patient has felt a lump which is not seen on the mammogram.  The ultrasound is used as another way to evaluate that area where the lump can be felt.  Other times, there is an area of the image that needs further evaluation. This could be because the patient has dense breast tissue. Dense tissue appears white on the x-ray film....and so do all signs of breast cancer (both masses/lumps or calcifications). You cannot see white pathology through white, dense tissue. It is like trying to see a white volleyball in a the snow in a photograph. Sometimes, mammography compression views or a breast ultrasound are needed in these cases, just to ensure nothing is "hiding" behind that white tissue.

    Other times, the radiologist sees a mass. Many masses are benign....they are not cancer and they will not become cancer.  A mammogram can show a mass, but can tell you little about the type of mass.   In the far majority of cases, the radiologist will determine this area is benign....not cancer. But, even after an ultrasound, the radiologist might suggest a biopsy. Even if your  mom's case goes as far as a biopsy, around 85% of these are benign.

    Worst case scenario, your mom may eventually diagnosed with breast cancer. But, if you think about it logically, this is not life ending. It means that she was diagnosed early....before she had an advanced lump that could be felt. This is what regular screening mammography is designed to do! Mammography is designed to find early breast cancers, which can not be felt. The survival rate, in these cases, is about 96%!

    So, it is not a bad sign to be called back for more images. It probably happens to about 1 in 10 women after their screening mammogram. Best wishes, and I hope your fears are alleviated quickly.  Worrying is a horrible situation to be in.......

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