
Man I'm so scene. Help?

by  |  earlier

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I'm xxBROOTALx hardxcore.

I love talking about things like Power Rangers, and wear bright neon colors. If someone dresses like me I instantly call them a poser. I think I'm such a tough guy when I wear my skinny jeans and brass knuckles belt.

Now here's my real problem, my mirror broke last night, so I can't take any more sick mirror shots of me in essentially the same pose 20 different times! What am I to do!?!




  1. stop trying to be funny by putting other people down.

    also, you can try being less concieted.

    did your mirror break because of your face?

  2. haha

  3. Cut some random band name into your arm with the broken shards of glass, DUH!

  4. Mmkay babycakes, this happened to me toooo, and I have the perfect solution.

    Okay so seeing as the mirror isn't coming back together, you're just going to have to make yourself even more scene for your pictures to still be fabulous.  Like, you're going to have to tease your hair waaaay more.  Like, as it you got right out of bed, but with 20 pounds of hair spray.  And obviously instead of globbing the eyeliner on as usual, I think you're going to need to have at least a 3 inch radius around the lid.

    Also, plaid and dino shirts would be sooooo HXC.  As long as you hold the camera from above your head and don't smile, its going to be like JUST AS HAWT as the usual mirror shot.  Then, you can post several bullitens an hour, and everyone will comment them!  Hurray!

  5. Laame

  6. oh gawd!!!

    no my life is over!

    you POSER!!!!




    you SSOOOOO coppied me by putting an L in your screen name when you clearly knew thatI have an L.

    i hate you

  7. Get a new mirror?  

  8. ha



    seriously though, we shouldn't mock other people's choices




  9. You only just found out what scene was in your last question.

    And this isn't funny?

  10. I don't understand your question......  Do you want us to tell you how to stop being scene or what to do about your mirror.  I will answer both!!!!

    How to stop being scene.:

    Go to a store like american eagle, A&F, Areoposstal, or Pac Sun and shop for a new wardrobe.  You make it sound like you are the 'best' and then when people want to be like you you call the a poser.  Maby you are dressing like them and you are the poser...?  So just chill and don't freak.

    For the mirror thing then go to wal mart and buy a new one.

  11. Er....I don't get it...

    And are you trying to be funny or are you really this stupid? O.o

  12. wow, you are so amazingly cool. pfft.  

  13. try using a glass window

    and check yourself out in spoons.

  14. poser but seriously just get a new mirror or use the bathroom mirror

  15. LOLOLOL !


    k, obviously this guy is being sarcastic.. he's making fun of scene kids - he's not a poser. duhhhhhhhhhh.

    clearly the majority of you can't take a joke/don't have a very good sense of HAHA.


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