
Man and dinasour?

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what is the period when dinasour lived on earth? And does man lived in that period? And in which regions of earth did dinasours lived?




  1. Simple answer for my 2 points !!

      Dinosaurs covered all regions of the world !! remember too that the land masses were connected during a portion of their reign!! Mammals were around at the same time but were small and kept to the shadows of existence in fear of being preyed upon!!!

    Dinosaurs are still with us today in the form of reptiles and birds since they were able to live beyond the extinction of the greater (size) dinosaurs!!

      Man has been in the evolutionery track for quite a long time !!Perhaps 11 million years or so but has only emerged in hominid form in the last 5 million years or so and in the present form for about a million or so -depending on where you want to place us in regard to ancestry ,use of tools and other defining qualities!!!!!!


  3. Dinosaurs were in the Jurassic Period (does the movie ring a bell?) People came millions of years later.

  4. Dinosaurs eveolved a little over 200 million years ago and died out about 60 million years ago.  Man has been around for about 1 million years.  (So those movies and TV shows with cavemen being eaten by dinosaurs is way off.)  Dinosaur fossils have been found worldwide, so they were pretty much everywhere.

  5. Dinasaurs died out around 65 million years ago -- WAYYYYYY before there were any humans (we're just a couple million years old).

    They lived all over -- there were lots of different kinds.

  6. Dinosaurs were created by God during the creation week of Genesis around 6000 years ago and probably lived on every land mass on earth before Noah's flood 4400 years ago...even at the poles which were not iced over until after the flood and the ice age that followed it. There are many thousands of cave paintings, drawings, temple carvings, fabrics and ancient artifacts from many different regions on earth that show man and dinosaurs co-existed until fairly recent times indicating they did not go extinct 65 million years ago. Soft tissue and red blood cells have also been found in several samples of T-Rex and other fossil's doubtful that they could have been sustained for millions of years in a preserved state.

    Population studies, using known and accepted formulas,  also show that  the current global poulation of 6.5 billion people is about what you would expect if mankind originated around 4-6000 years ago in agreement with the Genesis account of creation and the repopulation of mankind after the flood. Had mankind originated hundreds of thousaands of years ago, the current global poulation would exceed the number of atoms in the universe....even if you lower the origin  to perhaps 25,000 years ago and use the lowest reproductive rate ever seen, the current population would still exceed 140 billion. The numbers don't add up.

  7. There are many mistakes that have been made over the course of science. One of them was that the Neanderthal was an ancestor of modern man. Without DNA, it is impossible to confirm or deny that dinosaurs do not live on in the crocodiles or birds.

  8. Rawr -- I'm a lizard, welcome to my planet!

  9. Im pretty sure, man didnt live in the same time as dinosaur.

  10. Well, The dinosaurs were in large part made extinct at the end of the Cretaceous period - due - most probably - to the impact of a large asteroid at Chixalub, Yucatan some 65 million years ago. Dinosaurs ranged across most of the land areas available at the time, so dinosaur fossils have been found atop mountains in Antarctica of sea-creatures, and of course oil and coal are both formed from ancient animals and plants contemporary to when the dinosaurs lived. So 65 million years ago , at least, the Saudi Arabian desert was a lush forest and swampland, South America and Africa were "together" as little as 20 million years ago, pretty much everywhere we look , we can find fossils of something that once lived there.

    The primate which led eventually to the three common apes , one of which eventually led to a branch which became humanity, lived approximately 7.5-8 million years ago in East-Africa.

  11. All these folks are quite accurate. But Paul seems to be waaaayy off. I will add here too that the Earth was quite a different place then. It seems the normal temperature for Earth is much warmer than now. It was extremely tropical for many millions of years. This is one factor that enabled dinosaurs to be as successful as they were, for as long as they were. Even fossils of dinosaurs and tropical plants have been found recently at the South Pole (Antarctica).

  12. Dinosaurs lived pretty much everywhere for over 200 million years. They became extinct about 65,000,000 years ago and ancient man, primates that looked sort of human arrived about 3 to 4 million years ago and modern man is only a few hundred thousand years old.

    So, we missed the dinosaurs by about 62 million years.

    We have the descendants of the Dinosaur with us today, you can see one in your yard..look up!

    There are books in which you can record your finds; you may list them as you identify them.

  13. Just to chime in with some more information.

    Dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. Humans like us have been around for the last 400,000 years. However, our predecessors have been here for a couple of million.

    There's no overlap with the dinosaurs. Given, birds are what dinosaurs evolved into so you could quibble and say we're "living with dinosaurs today."

    All this hasn't stopped some from claiming "man and dino roamed together" Glen Rose Texas has dinosaur tracks preserved in stone. Some have been called "human" and some "giant man tracks" have been carved into the rock.
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