
Man decapitated on grey hound bus in manitoba, canada....

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did anyone hear about this? it happened on a grey hound bus and the guy just stabbed him and cut his head off.. messed up huh?




  1. I don't have a problem with legal gun ownership (I'm in New England) but with due respect to my fellow American from Texas; Texas has a very high violent crime rate (as does most of the south), higher than where I am (much higher) and higher than Canada fact much of the violent crime we have here is caused in the majority of cases by young black men with strong southern connections....even the weapons they use are smuggled from down south. My father was shot and left paralyzed in a random act of act violence committed by a group of young black men with a hand gun obtained down south so I have some experience.

  2. It's a horrific story but what's worst is that people have already conceded to the fact that the attacker must be "psycho". Mental illness or drug abuse may not necessarily be the cause or his motivation. Does this man not know right from wrong? Children know right from wrong. Most people have an inherent desire to please but there are others who harbor a depraved indifference towards other people and society at large. His crime was premeditated, which means he thought about it in advance. He boarded the bus with a weapon, he intentionally choose his victim, stood over him and methodically slaughtered him as one would an animal. Is he responsible for his own egregious behavior? A court of law will determine that. This is not the first attack that has occured upon a Greyhound. The next question is whether or not Greyhound should be found negligent for the company's failure to provide a safe environment for it's passengers?  

  3. Very messed up.  The killer appeared to be quite normal and then something went wrong in his head as the fellow he murdered was fast asleep.  The guy just starts stabbing him (at least 50 times with a combat style knife).  The bus stops, everyone gets off and the killer proceeds to cut of the poor guy's head and was actually holding it out the window taunting the police.  One sick SOB.

  4. Wow. Holy c**p. You have to wonder though. There's 37 people on this bus and not one person tried to do anything to stop this guy as he was stabbing the victim. Amazing.  

  5. What I find truly scary and disturbing about this story is the fact that 37 people ran away from 1 guy. It's not like he was shooting the kid, they could have taken him down. I'm sure they were terrified but in the end they choose what was easy over what was right. I'm not trying to insult them but it just disappoints me. I can't even imagine what the poor kid was feeling watching everyone abandon him as this stranger continued to stab him. All in all still a horrifying story in which I hope all the passengers can recieve the counseling they need to overcome it.

  6. people are dumb, they are saying " why didnt anyone help him!?" your retarded. with a eight inch long blade, the first stab killed him, so wtf is the difference between the other 100 stabs. all you people saying, " i would have helped" your stupid. there is no way you would have helped him, because that guy was already dead and the stabber was crazy and would have killed you to. your stupid and i hate americans.

    angela, your dumb too. lets see, eight inch blade to the chest, and you think that it took more than that? yeah u know what your right i think we need to see the autopsy to find the real cause of death. and you tell me not to make up stuff. its pretty obvious that he died after the first stab. maybe you should get your facts straight before you start badmouthing other people. shut your mouth and dont reply to this message.

  7. Yeah, now i'm scared about riding in buses, and it's not what he actually did that scares me but how he did it, they described him as a robot when he was doing it cold and emotionless.

  8. that's shocking

  9. It's just sad that no one attempted to disarm him, in my opinion. I could give a d**n if I knew someone had been stabbed 50 times, help is on the way my friend. I guess I'm just a military grunt because I am trained to place my life on the line for others. I guess some are just bred different, that is why I love my comrades in arms!

    Whatever happened to risking our own lives for one another?

    I just hope i never get stabbed on a bus with you people, jeesh!   I would be a dead duck for

    82nd ABN DIV/Spec Ops- Airborne, We do bad things to

    bad people

  10. Those who are passing judgement on the other passengers have had 24 hours or so to contemplate how they might respond to such a situation. The passengers themselves were caught completely by surprise, and didn't even have so much as 24 seconds to assess the situation.

    Consider this. You're fast asleep on a bus, during a very long and boring trip across the Canadian prairies. You wake up to the sound of people screaming and shouting. Still groggy, you're aware that there's a commotion behind you and other people are in a panic. Someone yells to get off the bus. In the time it takes to read this post, you've gone from a deep slumber to standing on the side of a highway still not too sure of what's going on.

    That leaves very little time to assess the situation and react to it.

  11. Ugh, people, don't answer a question if you're going to make things up. There is no way to tell if the 'first stab killed him'. The autopsy hasn't even been completed yet. There has been no evidence to say that the first stab killed this man. Please read the news before you preach what you don't know.

    In any case - in my opinion the passengers did exactly as anyone else would have done in a situation like that. Vince Weiguang Li WAS acting as though he was in a trance (reportedly), and if someone had tried to stop him they would have gotten the same treatment that this unfortunate man did. In fact, three people did attempt to go back on the bus to try to help the victim, but were threatened with the knife.

    There's absolutely no reason to fear taking a Greyhound bus because of one isolated incident. It could have happened ANYWHERE at any time and it really upsets me that people seem to take it as some huge breach in security. This guy just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was random, and it was just as likely for something like this to happen anywhere else, not just a bus! Besides, this is a one-of-a-kind freak incident that happened in Canadian history - never happened before - so all of a sudden people are worried it'll happen to them? I'd sooner worry about getting cancer.

  12. happens all the time in detroit... you get used to it after awhile

  13. very :( scarey world


  14. Now maybe Canadians will see the wisdom of the right to carry a concealed weapon, like we do down in Texas......not to mention the death penalty.....this guy is the poster child for the death penalty.....but what do I know?

  15. ohh yeahh

    i felt sick to my stomach

    the sick man that cut off the guys head use to deliver the paper to me by clairview in e town

    i hope he gets beheaded

    the immigrants in canada are the ones murdering i hate all these blacks and asians coming into canada and murdering everybody

  16. It is more than "messed up".  It is tragic on every side.

    It is tragic for the young man who had his life ahead of him...and who died such a violent death.

    It is tragic that the media were the ones who notified the family "for a statement" on the death of their loved one, before the RCMP should have already done so.

    It is tragic for the family of the man who killed an innocent young man.  How do they say "sorry" to the family who mourns their son? Or think a million times if they could have foreseen this coming.

    It is tragic for the other passengers/driver on the bus.  For the rest of their lives they will wonder if they could have done more.  They will face people saying "if I had been there I would have..." but they WERE there and did the best they could in a situation few of us will EVER encounter.

    It is tragic for the police.  Could they have killed the murderer?  Yes.  Then we would never have a chance for "why??" to be answered. But they are condemned for not doing more...or too much depending on how you look at it.

    It is tragic people use a senseless death to propogate their own agendas for gun ownership and death penalty and their 15 mins of fame to sell their stories to the media.  A family is in mourning, have some respect.

    My thoughts are with the family of everyone involved and those who were there.

  17. yea... a 6 foot 2"  220lb guy with a 9" hunting knife cutting someone's head off and your going to grab him and wrestle him down are you???    Bull**ht ... your gonna take off too.... I give the bus driver and passenger and trucker total kudos for keeping the guy on the bus until Ponies arrived.  

  18. wow thats disturbing, why would you let someone just stab you over and over?,  thats very creepy though.  

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