
Man held in Fla. for threatening Obama's life???

by  |  earlier

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what the h**l is wrong with him what you guys think???




  1. yeah, but where are these guys when we need, you know in the army or something actually doing some good.

  2. The man should be arrested.  

  3. I can't stop crying my heart goes out to the family. WalMart where America shops.

  4. He is racist  maybe thats his issue.

  5. He also threatened Bush as well.

  6. As much as i dislike Obama you would think these nutcases would learn eventually that you can not go around threatening public officials or people of any fame in general. Freedom of speech does not include threats or violence.  It will only get you put in jail.  

  7. The guy has a God complex.  He thinks it's his responsibility (alone, at this point) to enforce the rules as he sees them.

    There are whack jobs everywhere.  Especially so in Florida.

  8. must be some neo n**i or KKK nut.

  9. I think he is crazy and need to be arrested and sentenced to prison!! Cause we would not want to have a funeral after the election.

  10. The first of a long line I guess! But it just goes to show that you really have to watch what you say in front of whom. To me the mans statement was a figure of speech and the person who reported him just wanted a chance at the lime light!

  11. He should be prosecuted.

  12. Whomever gets him remind me to send a donation to his family and a well deserved thank you for all of us!

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