
Man is by nature a political animal?

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Man is by nature a political animal?




  1. I disagree.  Man fights or flees by nature.  Man's higher goal is to BECOME a political animal; to talk and negotiate for the betterment of the individual or the group on Both sides of the issue.  Peace.

  2. Nope.  We basically are still primitive.  Humans have to learn to be political.

    You really don't have a question.  To make it a question it needs to written such:  Is Man a political animal by nature.  People reading it have to make assumptions about just what you mean.  That's why the m in Man needs to be caps.

  3. I would say yes. We are always jockeying for position.

    Job status.



    Where we live.


  4. Its true.  We are a social creature, we pretty much have to live in societies. (You can live totally on your own without relying on any other human beings but life is a lot easier if you take advantage of the services and skills that other people provide) A society requires direction and leadership, that means decision making, and how those decisions get made is politics.  Even if its done in a primitive tribal setting, its politics.  From a primitive tribe to a modern nation state, its politics.  You follow because you are a social creature, and society will punish you if you vary too far off accepted behavior--and even that is decided by politics.

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