
Man is said to have evolved from Homoerectus into Homosapien when is the next stage of evolution expected?

by Guest66754  |  earlier

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Can that sort of thing be calculated using historical data? Might we not through advances in our knowledge of genetics significantly speed up this process. What do you think nature would do for us if we didn't interfer. Is the next level called Homosuperior?




  1. There is a theory that human evolution may well have slowed down if not stopped.

    Put simply the survival of the fittest has stopped with modern medical care.

    We use technology to get over problems.

    Bill Gates, I suspect, would have been a lot less successful as a hunter gatherer than he is in his field.

    We don't need to evolve any more.

  2. Good idea to question the historical data.

    This tells us clearly that man has not evolved.

    In fact our gene pool is deteriotating due to mutations (which never add new information, and are usually harmful)

    The idea that man evolved from an ape is completely false, and is


    It is not supported by any evidence whatsoever.

    All hominid fossils are clearly human or clearly ape.

    Evolution requires the creation of new genetic information. The proposed mechanism is mutations, yet all observed mutations are information neutral or lossy.

    All hominid fossils are clearly ape or clearly human. History is full of frauds and over-enthusiastic claims of anthropologists

    Man was created as man. We are very different to all apes/monkeys and there is no evidence that we evolved at all.

    The evidence does not support he idea that we are evolved from an ape. All hominid fossils are clearly human or clearly ape.

    History is full of frauds and wishful thinking in regard to alleged missing links:

    Piltdown man – fraud

    Java man - a few teeth, and a few skull and bone fragments

    Nebraska man - a pigs tooth

    Australopithecene (Lucy) - portrayed with human like hands and feet despite the fact that it is known to have ape like hands and feet, and to have been a knuckle walker.

    To believe we evolved from an ape requires an awful lot of faith! It flies in the face of the evidence, and of scientific knowledge.

  3. Now that man has figured out there is no god he has evolved into homestupidicusgigantus

  4. Evolution in men is false.

  5. In truth our evolution has sped up:

    "Explosive population growth is driving human evolution to speed up around the world, according to a new study.

    The pace of change accelerated about 40,000 years ago and then picked up even more with the advent of agriculture about 10,000 years ago, the study says.

    Over time, chromosomes randomly break and recombine to create new sequences of SNPs along the chromosome. A large number of identical SNPs means the mutation is advantageous and new. The researchers' analysis found that 7 percent of human genes have been undergoing rapid, recent evolution.

    If humans had always evolved at this rate, the difference between modern humans and chimps should be 160 times greater than it really is."


    " Human evolution has been moving at breakneck speed in the past several thousand years, far from plodding along as some scientists had thought, researchers said on Monday.

    In fact, people today are genetically more different from people living 5,000 years ago than those humans were different from the Neanderthals who vanished 30,000 years ago, according to anthropologist John Hawks of the University of Wisconsin.

    The genetic changes have related to numerous different human characteristics, the researchers said.

    Many of the recent genetic changes reflect differences in the human diet brought on by agriculture, as well as resistance to epidemic diseases that became mass killers following the growth of human civilizations, the researchers said."

    Evolution isn't towards a fixed goal. It's random so a desirable trait my well be lost or what is today thought to be wanted may go out of fashion.

  6. That would be the last stage when we destroy the Earth because of the love of money and power.

  7. "Man is said to have evolved from Homoerectus into Homosapien when is the next stage of evolution expected?

    Can that sort of thing be calculated using historical data?"

    That can't be easily predicted.  It depends on the selection pressures and who has the most reproductive success.


    "Might we not through advances in our knowledge of genetics significantly speed up this process."

    That might be possible but right now, most people aren't interested in trying to improve the gene pool.  We probably aren't really at the level of trying to fundamentally change our genetics.  There are surprisingly few genes and many have multiple functions.  Our current level of understanding doesn't really permit that sort tinkering.  We have made revolutionary advances but I suspect we have just opened the book and don't really understand it all very well.  In a few hundred years, we might very well be able to safely improve some of the genetic code.  That is the sort of tinkering that could quickly split us into multiple species.


    "What do you think nature would do for us if we didn't interfer. Is the next level called Homosuperior?"

    We seem to be smart enough so I doubt selection would select for smarter or stronger people.  There isn't really a predictable direction to evolution.  I suspect the races will mix significantly and in a thousand years might not even exist.

  8. Humans have taken themselves out of the evolutionary loop. There will be no evolution for us--there is no need as long as we use tools. The first homo sapient is no different from any human alive now. We will evolve superior tools and technology, not superior people.

  9. It isn't.

    Through most of their time, most species don't continue to evolve.

  10. It sounds like you're a little confused about what actually happens in evolution.  That's OK -- most people outside of scientific circles are.

    There's no such thing as "more evolved" or "less evolved."  Evolution isn't a ladder, but rather a tree, with all present-day species at the tips of the branches.

    Considering our global society, human populations can't be sufficiently isolated for long enough periods for them to eventually become reproductively incompatible (and thus a new species).  New mutations could arise, affecting the entire population, eventually leading to a population whose members would not be able to reproduce with modern-day humans.  At this point they would be a different species, but they wouldn't necessarily be smarter or faster or anything, unless environmental changes favored those who were.

    I do think that our understanding of genetics and technology will lead to humanity being changed more by our own efforts instead of mere natural selection.  However, one might say that our minds and technology are also products of natural selection.

  11. There has already been homosuperior.  Sort of Simon Cowell...but better looking.

    The next stage is widely expected a cross between David Attenbrough, David Tennent, and Ricky Gervais.

    It will look revolting, but you tube will survive.

  12. December 21, 2012.

  13. Man is a product of long years of evolution.Man's evolution was based on the fight for survival and also managing the natural resources around him. With the current exploitation of natural resources and extermination of so many animal species due to the brazen acts of humans, it will be a difficult time in the future.

    Due to scientific advances man is not using the faculty he has been provided with. It will not be surprising that instead of a super human race we may end up with a totally machine dependant trace.One example is that people were capable of doing calculations mentally some 30 years back. Today everybody goes for a calculator or a computer even for ordinary multiplication.

  14. Homoflaccidus?

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