
Man on my mind...into my life for good.?

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How do I get the man on my mind into my life for good and have him initiate the relationship?




  1. you don't. What will be, will be.

  2. It's call MANipulation.

    Women have been doing it for years.

    Ask Mom.

  3. Sophist is 95 percent correct. There is no way to know if you are the right person for the man you love. But the best way to lose him is to try to trap him, to try to manipulate him or to buy or to coerce his love in any way.  Trust your highest good, and commit yourself to being happy regardless of whether he loves you or not.  Know in the depth of your bones that if he never comes to love you, that it will only be because there is something better coming. The only way that you might have any hope of having a happy life with the man you love is when you are fully prepared to have a happy life without him. But you must believe this with all sincerity--you can't fool the system by believing it just enough to make it possible.  It just doesn't work that way.

    There are witches who make love potions. Don't buy them; it's a lot of c**p.  Witches who believe in love potions won't make them, because the consequences of taking away another person's free choice is totally unacceptable.  Such an act is on the ethical level of rape.

  4. That's easy, now what is the question?

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