
Man paid $30 million for bigfoot body?

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I'm not sure if the website is down, but I was just watching CNN and they announced a man paid $30 million dollars for a bigfoot body yesterday. What do you think?




  1. Pure rumor or speculation.

    The Bigfoot is real but there have been no deals that I can find.

  2. I can't help but think that it is fake.  The face looks really fake.  

  3. If such a story is circulating about the body being bought, that would fall right in line with this whole thing being a hoax. What's the one thing a Bigfoot hunter can't provide?  A Bigfoot body. So when the time comes to provide the evidence, this is a great excuse for not being able to do that. "Somebody bought the body, sorry." Very very convenient

    Meanwhile, these same hoaxers probably would not have a terribly difficult time of locating some body tissue from a primate to submit to the lab as "DNA evidence" of Bigfoot. I'm sure that's exactly what they did.

    And of course the photo is the easiest part of it all. The body doesn't look very convincing to me, and it's not hard to fake some blood and guts. A few bucks spent at an online Halloween store will accomplish that.

    So, that's that.

  4. I say that the remains will disappear with no evidence it existed.  Those guys were supposedly cops or ex cops and knew better than to move evidence and they did it any way.  I suggest they are hoaxing everyone.  The person who paid for the remains deserves to loose that money.

    I don't know if bigfoot exists or not but I sure would have secured the scene and gotten some credible witnesses before messing up the area.  It may have been a case of BF on BF crime.

  5. Hmm, idk. It kind of looks like this to me:

    but who knows.


    1.) The man in the middle (see link), Tom Biscardi, is a known Bigfoot hoaxer.

    2.) The fact that there are entrails showing doesn't prove anything. Animal parts or even entire dead animals can be easily purchased (Mythbusters, anyone?). Actually, the fact that there are intact entrails showing makes the possibility that they just stumbled upon this creature's carcass out in the scavenger-ridden wilderness even more unlikely.

    3.) Why haven't we heard about the independent details regarding this creature's biology through scientific sources? Real discoveries go through an unbiased peer review process, which results in publication through scientific journals. When a belief or a "groundbreaking discovery" is first announced through the mass media, there's generally a reason its proponents chose not to subject it to the scrutiny of peer review.

    There are more reasons why this is undoubtedly a hoax, but I feel I've made my point.

    EDIT: Also, I don't see anything from the link you provided about anyone paying $30 dollars for it. In fact, when I search "$30 million bigfoot" on Google, this question is the only result that shows up with anything related to this story.

  7. i think it is real. just because its not on tv doesnt make it not real.

  8. Looks like the site is down again.  I hope he got a biologist to examine it before he paid all that money for it - discovering and identifying a new species of that magnitude would make them incredibly famous, any biologist would die for that chance.  It wouldn't have been hard to find a qualified expert who could easily tell you if it were real - and I will be very skeptical if they do not do so.  But you knew that was coming.  :)

  9. Ahh well, that's the end of that one and a mythology of "the one true" captured bigfoot will do the rounds forever more.

    What  a well played hoax. The two men in question will, naturally, be bound to secrecy by the 'mysterious' billionaire collector. The body will be picked up by the man's 'agents', this way people can speculate who has the body. The DNA test results, of course, will be missing, The two men will do the rounds of conventions (paid) and Art Bell-style shows.

    I thought it highly unlikely but now I know it's just been a well-played hoax. The sad thing is, it will be cited time and time again for decades.  

  10. uh if that was an acutal "bigfoot" it would of been all over the news channels on tv by now ...def a hoax...anyone who would pay that kind of $$ is def faking it

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