
Man sometime i wich to know every single goverment secret?

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i mean dont give me BS that there is no "goverment secrets" i mean its obvios that they hide millions and millions of thing from the society and from the people




  1. You really don't want to know. It's bad, very bad.

  2. The only thing to know is the government is a criminal organization . Out to s***w the people . So never give one of them a even break .

  3. Yes, my friend.  There are literally "millions and millions" of them.

    For example, those effing bureaucrats performed a radical surgery on me that transformed me from a man to an ape.

    I am living evidence of this.  If you need proof, just look at my avatar picture--it's very accurate.  

    (They make me eat my own p**p).

  4. never at the very least you find out in 25 or so years but never until it is challenged in a high court. if everything was put out in the open in this day and age we would see anarchy. not somethng worth knowing all the truth about. one day perhaps but deffinetly not in this time period. to many wackos out there you don't want them to know do you?

  5. Keep on

  6. You are right!  I wich they spent some money to educate you properly!

  7. join politics and become a minister. thats the only way to know all the secrets of the govrnment , be a part of it on a very high post and know everything. otherwise your wish will remain a wish on paper only,

  8. What for?

    When their is no solution in sight?

    Wasting time.

    Having the blind in following the blind.

    Look in the real world.

    With the cave-men living in misery in the twilight zone.

    With their own creation.

    Then unable to solve it in time.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  9. I do not think I would want to know all the governments secrets; sometimes not knowing is the best thing like the process of making sausage.  Yes there are secrets the government keeps and secrets companies keep and secrets people keep and knowing everything is not necessarily the best thing.

  10. With good reason, read your question.

  11. best then to go into university intending and succeeding in learning  how to learn and invest your future in a graduate degree of some kind and resolve to help your nation remain safe from volatile religions outside  your borders and stragers within your borders.

  12. They hid the secrets to good spelling and grammar.

  13. Things are hidden for reasons. Like my name. And they aren't called government secrets anymore the are called classified documents. If you live in the U.S. You can Mail the white house for information from the

    "The Freedom of Information Act

    5 U.S.C. § 552, As Amended By

    Public Law No. 104-231, 110 Stat. 3048"


                    For more information on that go to

    Or you can go to

  14. You don't want to know.  Somethings are better left unknown.

  15. I know what you mean, I am not a conspiracy theorists but there is no doubt in my mind the government hides things. Right now there is a document in the government repository in Maryland dated 1917 that is still considered too sensitive to release to the public.

    Makes me wonder what happened almost a hundred years ago that would matter today anf how much more information that we are not privy to.

  16. In a few years they'll legally have to show us everything they know about the JFK Assassination.  They don't keep as much as you think from us.

  17. Is the people everytime something goes wrong they run  and call the law or sue .

  18. You state "they hide millions and millions of thing from the society and from the people", so ask yourself, how long would it take you to just COUNT to "millions and millions"? If someone gave you those secrets on a silver platter, how long would it take you to READ THEM?

    The Government needs to have secrets, otherwise, our nation would not be safe. But, just the sheer volume of Government matters means than no individual, no single watchdog group, could ever sift through things.

    And, of course, what would you do with those secrets? They are of no value to anyone except to a spy.

  19. govt is made of people. So a lot of people know, so I imagine if you wanted to know, you can find out.

  20. learn how to spell man

  21. there is no real oil shortatgae its a scam to further engorge Cheney's bank accounts. They also know stuff about other wotld and parnormal abilities that they ant sharin

  22. Of course the government has secrets. The big question is why they would tell you.

  23. i agree.

  24. I feel years ago they left people in the dark about most things this generation is more likely to find out all. It's harder to hide because of internet and filming people from your cell phones.

    I have even seen media tell the public military strategy before it was performed. I do believe certain things should be hushed for national security. This generation would drop a dime on you in second even there own mother for a buck so nothing is sacred not even our nations security and that is scary!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry guys got to pass the torch to the next generation!!

  25. Government secrets never remain secret for long.

    Especially with their recent habit of leaving MoD files lying around on trains, or "losing" a few hundred laptops.....

  26. You could live 5 lifetimes and still never learn all of the gov. secrets.

  27. what is ur point? if you know the secrets to everything---then what? it's all about mis-direction. good luck with you're quest for ''justice''

  28. Man! What do you want to do - drive yourself mad? You certainly would if you knew "all the government's secrets"!

  29. obviously there is no transparency in government, a recent closed door secret meeting of the senate is proof there is secrets, sen. dennis cucinich of ohio objected to this because it goes against the constitution, and he refused to be part of it, it was believed to do with the wiretapping laws passed in america, and exactly what it entails.

  30. Why? I think the end of The Raiders of the Lost Ark is THE best depiction of "government secrets" - potentially useful and tremendous things stored in boxes and forgotten about because of the faceless, brainless and characterless bureaucrats utterly incapable of comprehending them. Only, of course, there is no lost Arc and no aliens in Area 51 or anywhere else, and the secrets are by far less exciting and interesting... so you're really talking about very dull and dim people hiding very ugly, dull and dim things.

  31. darlin if you knew all the govt secrets then they would have to shoot you....



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