
Man vs. Horse: Who would win in the 100-m dash? in the 400-m?

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  1. Horse duh! unless you mean Usain Bolt, in that case the horse would eat his dust!

  2. It depends...what kind of horse are we talking about?

  3. I think man accelerates faster - he achieves maximum running speed in just seconds, while a horse is slower out of the gate and needs more time to gain ground. So, human wins the 100-meter sprint.

    In the 400-meter however, man could not sustain his burst of speed and will lose to the horse, which on average runs a faster pace than man.

  4. Have you seen Man Vs. Beast?

    You should.hehe

    In my opinion, The horse would definitely win, given that they are bigger & can run faster.

    *in both categories.

  5. the man... the horse may not know the rules...

  6. What is this question??? very obvious ofcourse the HORSE! haler?

  7. tikbalang

  8. I guess u didn't see Ben Johnson race against a horse and a sports car.  Needless to say he lost...

  9. Horse is faster. =)

  10. Again I say man.  I don't mean to be contradictory but I am hundred percent sure man will win in both race.  The horse will stick to the path on which to traverse, be it oval, circle or curve.  The man wins because he knows how to take short cuts.  lol.

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