
Man!!I always hear about emo people!!But what exactly are emo people?

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Man!!I always hear about emo people!!But what exactly are emo people?




  1. IDK

  2. Emo are people who do their hair like freaks and they paint their eyes black.they also make their volume of their hair(usually girls)like afro without curls though.they do this with hair lack (spray).ive seen them they suck really!!!

  3. Emo is the short form for "emotional".

    It basically means people who aare emotional

    People who wear mostly black and have almost all of their stuff black. They are usually looking moody and somehow sad with their heads always down...

  4. Weirdos.  They think that they are original, but are just copying the Goths from the 80s and 90s, who were copying the beatniks from before, who were copying blah blah blah.

  5. The Gothics I believe. They have a lot of piercings and they always wear black including black makeup and nail polish. Sometimes they have spiky hair and metallic jewelry.

  6. emo people are the kind of people that cut themselves, the kind of boys who wear eyeliner and have the black hair  in their faces, and they all listen to sad, depressing rock music, or at least thats the stereotype of them.......♥♥♥

  7. I saw one of these type questions before, it's some sort of splinter group of the punk or punk rock scene.

  8. emo - EMOtional...

    basically its people who dress to how their mood is.. act and respond on how they are feeling- because they are not good at controlling their emotions... hence why people would make fun of them, because they will cut their wrists, or cry. Cutting wrists is very misunderstood... people think that people do it just to harm themselves,  but thats wrong. Cutting yourself releases a chemical called "endorphins" into your body, what is a natural feel good drug... so it gives them a sence of relif mometarily.

  9. Retarded misguided youth who need to find their 'true self' and resort to anything and everything that is different to set themselves apart from civilized society, for instance wearing a dew rag or beanie when it's 80 degrees outside. The hippies of the 2000's.

  10. Emo is short for emotive rock. It is a subgenre of both indie rock and hardcore. Steroetypically, most of the things the other people in here said makes an "emo". However, they are not to be confused with Gothic, even though they wear black. Emo clothing is characterized by tight jeans on males and females alike, long bangs brushed to one side of the face or over one or both eyes, dyed black, straight hair, tight t-shirts which often bear the names of rock bands (or other designed shirts), studded belts, belt buckles, canvas sneakers or skate shoes or other black shoes (often old and beaten up) and thick, black horn-rimmed glasses. In recent years, emo, in the popular media, has been associated with a stereotype that includes being emotional, sensitive, shy, introverted, or angsty. It is also associated with depression, self-injury, and suicide

    The difference between emo and goth is that emo people usually come from well-to-do families in the suburbs and attempt to gain as much attention as possible by doing whatever they can against the norm. This includes finding whatever they can to make them seem more depressed and "deep" emotionally. All that is used as means to attract women by appealing to their emotions.

  11. they are people who slit their wrists to try and kill themselves...they are usually goth and depressed...

  12. Emo is short for emotional.  They like wearing pony tials and listening to punk music.  They also like to play hide and go seek.

  13. stupid peeps who r always hugging eachother, saying random and non-relevant things, brushing hair over there eye, slashing wrist's. STUPID PEOPLE.

    better to be normal than a "chav" or a "grebo" or a "goth"

  14. excessively emotional people

  15. people not worth meeting... sad little depressed children who feel as though no one understands them and drown themselves in their own pity and sorrow.

  16. basicly someone who hates life, wears black  ALOT and cuts themselves

    But i think its just a slang term cause i cant find it in the dictionary

  17. very sad imitations of goth

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