
Manager is trying to get me fired?

by  |  earlier

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I have been working at a new company for 4 months- this company is just over 1 year old. In that time the company has doubled in size (since I started). They decided to hire a manager and though I applied they hired someone else (the wife of another employee no less). I took it in stride and have done all my work as best as I can and two weeks ago she gave me a "review" and told me I have a bad attitude. I was honestly shocked and told her that I have always done my best to maintain a professional atittude BUT I will definitely work on it.

Now two weeks later she sends me a NASTY email while she's on VACATION (she has been working here one month) telling me if my attitude doesn't improve (I sent her an email asking her about some issues that have come up) that she will fire me.

I am totally flabbergasted and immediately sent an email to HR requesting a meeting with them tomorrow morning. I did not respond to the manager at all because I refuse to speak with her at the moment.

I am considering calling a lawyer, but in the meantime I want to see how things go with the HR. I will bring the letter with her attacking me, I have also printed out all emails from the last week for people thanking me and telling me how on top I am and so on.

There is no union- but I know I have a right to not work in a hostile environment. And all I am getting is hostility. I have felt as if I am walking on eggshells the past two weeks.

I let her see me upset two weeks ago and it won't happen again- right now I am angry but I will be cool headed tomorrow- can I get any advice here? Thank you.




  1. u can sue the comapny for a hostile work place plus she is useing this to her advanatge call ur lawyer talk to ur bosses saying i been with the company for months i do my share of the work on the good days nd bad days she only her for a wwhile nd starting problems noot just me but others then the comapny has to do a invesgation if not lawyer

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