
Mancala question?

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i'm using the program big bang board games and i'm new to mancala but i seem to know the rules pretty well now. i think it's supposed to be played with 4 stones in each hole and instead its played with 3. i find it kinda ruins the game because who ever goes first just can use the whole 3 from the cala and then get to go again use the 6th from the cala and get to steal the opposite sides pieces and get an automatic 5 point lead , i it just me or is the program made wrong by having 36 pieces instead of 48?




  1. yes it is wrong you have to use all 48

  2. There is more than one version of Mancala, and one is played with 36 stones.  Like you, I much prefer the version with 48 stones.  Everyone I have played it with plays with 48 stones.  These links will show you that the rules sometimes  say "36 stones" and sometimes say "48 stones".
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