
Manchester International Airport to Old Trafford?

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I have a 6 hour stop over in Manchester enroute to Germany. I would like to know the best way to get from the airport to the stadium since i want to do a tour and go to the megastore. We arrive in Manchester at 7:05 andmust be back at the aitport by atleast 11. Thank You.




  1. train to piccadilly station about 30 mins,metrolink to old trafford,trams every 12 minutes takes about 15 mins, walk to stadium about10 mins not very long there then make your way back.

  2. I dont know if you have enough time to do a tour but definitely should have enough time to  visit the megastore.

    arrive airport

    take the train to Piccadily station.  

    Go to the downstair to take the tram to the old trafford.

    You probably will have 45 mins to take pictures and shop

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