
Mandatory Birth Control...would Pro-lifes approve of this..?

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Military has it so all female military members are required to be on BC. They do this b/c they know they cant stop people from having s*x and it cuts down on unwanted pregnancies

What if a whole nation did this in addition to having abortion? It would cut back on the unwanted pregnancies a lot....only 100% abstinence really cuts out all of them Many teenagers get pregnant b/c they arnt on BC because they feel they cant ask there parents for it. Parents are worried putting there child on it will encourage such behavior.

So what if it was mandatory for all males and females over say age14 to be on bc. (male b/c will be out in a few years, pretend it's already here)




  1. No, obviously NOT, BUT choice has to be the operative word !!! Who can prescribe when you have/have not a child? Not even the government !!!

    We must give people the choice.

  2. i love the ones who say all ppl who are pro life..anti abortion are against birth control


    im prolife and im very very much for birth control...

    just not abortion as a form of birth control

    birth control is to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

    to those who think " all" lifers, antis are this way....some of us do have some ******* common sense!

  3. No they'd hate it-the true pro-life agenda is getting rid of all birth control and all abortion of any kind-with no acceptions. I've been to pro-life conferences and workshops and visit their web sites off and on and that is their true agenda. They could care less about children-they want control of women's bodies.

  4. I think it's a good idea, though I don't know what the solution would be for people who have a problem with the hormones, and the backlash from parents would probably be massive :-)

  5. Those Who Are against choice are also Against Contraception They would not approve

  6. it would be nice if there was something a bit more effective, at least it would finally end the pro-choice vs. pro-life debate... so tired of it. (you cant make someone beleive the same way you do people, they arent in your shoes.)

    anyway, i would take it a step further... a vesectimy is a reversable procedure... how about all males have a vesectimy done before puberty...paid in full by the government. later in life they go in and choose to have it put back in working order, or choose not to.

    if they wanna fool around with a bunch of people and arent gonna stick around or whatever their deal is... then they wouldnt have the procedure reversed would they?

    dosent cut back on stds any, but would help with birth control.

  7. When did it become mandatory for the military to be on birth control?

    Edit: Somebody fed you some lies, one of my bud's told me they were on the Nimitz, and they had to switch out half the crew cause they had so many pregnancies.

    And more so, I never heard anybody get njp'ed for out of marriage pregnancy.  It would happen.

  8. They already approve of it.  They want to mandate that if you get preggo, you have the baby, no ifs, ands or buts...and if you don't want to get preggers, you can't have s*x.

  9. Uh, and HOW would this be enforced?

    I think that in a society that aspires to be free, the governments shouldn't seek to control people's bodies and behavior.

    Mandatory is the wrong way to go; the force of law and coersion are not the solution to every problem.

    Why don't we have really high-quality s*x education, and make birth control easily available for all?

  10. Mandatory contraception is very similar to the Eugenics movement advanced by the third reich and I'd be in opposition to such n**i tactics.

  11. it takes only one single stray dog to impregnate all biches in the neighborhood.  so better stick with female B/C.

  12. No, I would approve of you making your choice and accepting it as YOUR choice.

    The number of abortions would drop dramatically if men had the unequivocal right to opt out of all responsibility of parenthood once a pregnancy takes place, and prior to a child's birth. Unless of course proof of a long-term relationship or marriage can be established. Not only would this make people more cautious about having s*x, but it would also give men the equal protection of law promised them by the constitution.

    Rate me down and ignore my post now.

    At least I speak truth.

  13. I think that is a horrible idea, to make it mandatory what about people who are celibate, just abstaining or disagree with contraception like roman catholics?

    Nobody should be told they have to take it, total infringement of rights instead of craziness like that they should make it more available and socially acceptable for people to get hold of it so people don't feel ashamed.

    And no i dont think pro life would approve at all, neight do i really.

  14. FASCIST. Ha ha ha ha ha ah

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