
Mandatory attendance at work?

by  |  earlier

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Isn't it dumb you can't call in when you're just sick of work, but not physically sick? I've been sitting here all day just waiting for 5:00pm. It's not like I'm DOING anything. I knew I wouldn't do anything when I woke up this morning, but I have to roll into work and sit here for 9 hours acting like I might get productive any minute.

I'm proposing "sick of work" sick days. In addition to sick days and vacation, overworked Americans should get 1 sick of work day a month. Give us some time off like the Euros!

If you're on board, sign my petition!




  1. It's called anal glucoma.  It has a term, now you can call in.

    Your welcome.

  2. Well guess what, it wouldn't surprise me if that California, that bstion of liberalism, doesn't pass a law to have that in the next year or two.

  3. Americans get less time off than any other industrialized nation. I'm with you on that dude.

  4. thats awesome!!! well, if you get paid for your sick days, then just take a sick of work day and PRETEND that you are sick!!! i try to live honestly but everyone needs a break once in a while ; )

  5. How about instead of sitting there whining and complaining, you start your own company.

    You know, like the person that started the company that you work (?) for now.

    If all you do most of the day is nothing, I suppose that's what you're worth.

    Good Lord.

  6. Move to France you lazy moron.

  7. My work has "personal" days in addition to sick days. I'm using one soon to go to California to attend a friends wedding, so I think that 'kinda' qualifies as a sick-of-work day

  8. Well if you have to roll into work for nine hours, and act like you are productive, then you are not overworked. Something that I learned many years ago, if it seems like work, then find another job. I am self employed, and I very rarely work less than ten hours a day, and often work 14-16 hours/day, six and sometimes seven days a week. And I love every single minute. I have hired people with your work ethic before, they usually last about two days, most of the time they quit, but I will fire someone the first time I find them "acting" productive. Time to cowboy-up as they say......and oh yeah....grow up as well.

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