Question: What is this?

by Guest58252  |  earlier

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Is this website a joke? And what the h**l language is that supposed to be?




  1. *****, take this words :

    1-to read, to understand

    2-to do c program, a,b,c,

    3-to hear entrance theme;

    4-to read science history book.

    5-to make a list of name whom ever i know.

    6-to make tim table, see assingnment pre.

    7-i realise, untill this device cant be out, i am not, no confidence i have.

    8-i realise, thy are unnecessaryly irritates me. All the time. All the time. All the time. All the time, All the time.

    9-i also realise- i am nothing in others mind.

    10-I realise, it is extreamly necessary to remove this thing from me

  2. Its Greek. MANHATER = WOMEN

  3. Hilarious!!! I think that site was created by a scorned women. Good for her!! Sorry my inner feminist came out a little. Thanks for showing me the site.

    I don't know what the language is, it looks like Latin.

  4. A spurned woman for sure.  

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