
Manic Depression help?

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I dont know wuts wrong, but i am thinking that i have moderate/severe maniic depression.

Im not interested in s*x anymore

I am sometimes happy/sad

i freak out for no reason

i have a hard time concentrating

i have a heard time making friends

i want to do things but i cant b/c im so tired all the time

I think about hurting myself sometimes but stop myself

If i am near a brige ,on a balcony or in a car (i feel the urge to jump) sometimes

i want to go c sum one so bad but dont know wut to do or where to go, or how much it will cost.

Plz no rude comments i need the advice and help from other people




  1. You are describing depression, not bipolar (same as manic depression).  Make an appt with your doctor and tell how you are feeling.  Doctors hear this often so don't be ashamed.  If you have insurance or resources, also find a good therapist who is a good fit for you.  That will give you a safe place to talk and also a place where a professional can figure out what your diagnosis really is.

    Others will give suicide hotlines.  Call one if you are in bad shape.  If you are desparate, go to the ER and tell them you are suicidal.  Someone will help there.

  2. it's not possible to diagnose someone from a paragraph but you don't sound manic at all to me. perhaps some depression and a little anxiety-

    yeah, go talk to someone. i don't know your age but some sort of school counselor could point you toward some one, or you can usually get a referral from the local MHMR. Ask for a psychologist or counselor who will work on a sliding scale for payment (if cash is an issue)

    depression alone can account for all your symptoms, and it's getting easier to fix these days...  no fun in the meantime, though.

    good luck

  3. I don't think Manic depression.  Just depression, possibly clinical or major.  I don't think you need to worry about how much it costs.  Go to an er and tell them you are depressed and suicidal, and they should be able to help.  If you can't afford it you should also be able to receive medicaid.  Also, there should be a mental health hotline listed in your phone book.  You can call and talk to someone who can help with your depression.

  4. look its happening 2 me too.... some ppl said 2 meditate..... but i started praying daily... its da greatest meditation of all.... i mean NAMAZ...don kno bout u.....

  5. Thats how I feel sometimes, it might be deppression not sure which type but you can go to a doctor they can tell you and give you meds and or concling, just be carefull cuz if you talk about killing yourself they might wanna do in treatment where they make you stay in a phyciatric ward.

    My sis was there, and I have not gone to doc's cuz I'm scared of being an intake exspecaily with my two kids.

  6. ok, if you have kaiser, you can call them and ask for their mental health dept. if you have medical or Medicare, i think you need to call a case worker and ask them about it...try going on their website for that. if none of that applies to you, try to find a medical clinic around you and talk to a doctor about this. overall, keep in mind that life is worth living and that what you are experiencing is temporary, and suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. in my psych classes (college level) we learned that what you are experiencing is very treatable, so always be aware that there are people out there that will help you and you dont have to be experiencing this alone.

  7. I know it is scary but do not hesitate in getting help. If you have an insurance plan  look up in your insurance book for a psychologist. You might need a referral from your doctor so talk to them first. Some places initial intakes might be free if not our insurance company will pay for it. If you have a co payment you can find all that information when you call the psychologist office and also by calling your insurance company. Don't be afraid as soon as you make your first step everything will fall in to place. I went through the same thing

    scared of what  wil have to do, or who I have to talk to, or money. But please go and talk to some one.

    Best of luck.

    Also what you are describing can be depression but can also be bipolar only a doctor can tell you what your diagnosis is and some times it might take some time. I was first described as depressed and I felt the same way you do, but now I am correctly diagnosed with BPII

  8. yeah its not manic.. when your manic the mood is the most noticeable in you. in your case its not. so its i guess much easier to cure?
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