
Manic depression and bipolar?

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i have all the symptoms of manic depression and bipolar disorder. i feel suicidal almost everyday. Have no friends. On anti-depressants. i don't want to tell my parents. they will mock me. You don't know my parents so believe me they wil, my mother buys me alcohol and knows a smoked weed and didnt say anything. I NEED HELP, please




  1. You should find ways to make your self esteem higher..Its also really sad because your parents seem like there the ones making fun of you.

    You should also try to just feel normal, try to help yourself feel better.

  2. Its sad because your parents seem to be the ones making you depressed. Find a role model in a book or some one famous or successful. Model everything they've done and do the opposite of your parents. Then you will find yourself and be a good parent to your own kids.

  3. Hey there... first of all I am so sorry you are going through this. I am not bipolar myself but my older brother is and he has it very badly. I know all about this mental disorder and have so much compassion for you because it is SO HARD to deal with and people need to know that.. but.. there is a light at the end of the tunnell. I don't know you personally but maybe my brothers story will inspire you. He has been to rock bottom too many times to count. In his life time (while battling bipolar and manic depression) he used to go about things in very dangerous ways. He became addicted to oxy cotten, among other drugs. He went to rehab and then left. he has contiplated suicide many times. He has said before that he thinks no one at all understands him and he feels so alone in the world. For FIVE YEARS.. I felt like I had lost my older brother (he is now in his later twenties).. he was like a zombie, and so unstable. Finally after realizing that nothing will change unless HE HIMSELF is pro active about it, accepts his mental disease, and makes a true full throttle effort to learn how to combat the bipolar. First off.. you need to get on medication. And do not get discouraged.. my brother had to try many many medications and combinations until he found what works for him. DONT GIVE UP! Also.. in many bipolar books you will read that when it comes to bipolar there is no magic pill... medication is about 20% of it. The other 80% is a combination of EDUCATING yourself on bipolar, observing triggers that set you off and think of ways to stay away from them, do things that make you happy and surround yourself with people who are POSITIVE in your life. My brother also sees a therapist a few times a month and she has done wonders for him. He used to claim he "knew it all by now" and thouhgt no one else could help him or tell him anything more but after agreeing to go through with it he says he wishes he would have gone to a therapist years ago. Don't be embarressed.. these people are therapist because they want to HELP people like you ( and can!) and they get a joy out of helping to make your life better. I won't comment on your parents because I don't know them but sooner or later, for things to get better.. you are going to have to speak up and get help my friend. I will pray for you that you'll find the right words and strength to help you through this. Oh yeah... one more thing, my brother says the MAIN THING and the only thing that keeps him going and has SAVED HIM was jesus Christ. I'm not preaching to you, but I think if God really helped pull someone like my brother out of a hole and made him a happy, content person today (He is still getting better too!).. then maybe he is worth a try. With God you are never alone and if you feel that no one is there for you or understands you, just ask God to listen or to show you he is there.... all you have to do is listen and ask for help. He created you, LOVES YOU AS IF YOU ARE THE ONLY PERSON, and his heart is breaking seeing you this way. He can help you, and YOU can help you. Good luck with everything!  

  4. Hi. Nurse Jacqui gave you really good advice. I even think she might really be a psychRN. Call the hotline now and talk to someone who will understand. It's free and will help you more than posting here.

    If you are 16 or older, you can make an appt with your doctor, got to the appt, and everything said is bound by doctor-patient confidentiality. That means s/he will not talk to your parents about what's said. It also means s/he will not get you in trouble when you admit to some under age alcohol consumption or drugs. Where I'm driving is that you'll need to be fully honest because it is maybe more important for a mental health issue than a some physical ones. When you go, just describe your symptoms. Don't throw around labels like bipolar. The doc will only have to spend time figuring out what's you and what's what you read. Your doc might give you an antidepressant or refer you to a psychiatrist. You also can see the psychiatrist on your own. (Your parent won't know until they get a bill, so be prepared for that afterwards.) For both, it'd be useful if you brought a mood chart - middle horizontal line is normal, below is depressed, and above is what might be manic. Include what was going on and what drugs/drinking you were doing, too. Start tomorrow, but back date what you can from memory.

    Talking to your counselor at school is an excellent idea as well. Sometimes counseling is all that's needed. Sometimes it takes meds as well. As difficult as going to your counselor might sound, give it a go with an open minid. They just are people, but ppl who choose to be counselor usually are good listeners and helpful.

    You have options and resources. You just have to decide to ask for help in the right places.

    Take care.

  5. Because many people in your situation feel that they don't have options, I am going to give you a few hoping that you'll see one that may help you!

    It sounds like you need immediate help, so you can call a suicide hotline for teens! Teens dealing with depression and suicidal thoughts have different issues than adults. You can call for immediate assistance!

    Another thing you can do is start talking to a counselor at your school. They can help you to utilize the appropriate resources for your condition! These guys can give you direction as well as provide a little bit of conseling to get you through.

    Yet another option is to try to talk to your primary doctor. It sounds like you are old enough to go in for a visit without your parents being in the room. Talk to your doctor and tell him what you are feeling.

    Ultimately, if you actually are bipolar (which you may or may not be), you will need to be evaluated by a psychiatrist! They are the ones that are truly qualified to treat this disorder. The above three options can help you towards connecting with a psychiatrist!

    Hold on to some hope! Bipolar and depression can both usually be managed quite well with the right combination of medication and therapy!

    God Bless!

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