
Manitoba or Saskatchewan?

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We are thinking to move to canada, and have narrowed it down to either Sask or Manitoba. which one is better?

cost of living?

education? (also bullying in schools)


easy-to-get jobs?

nicest neighborhoods?

i have researched that Regina in Sask is not the nicest of places?

and the south end of Winnipeg is nicer than the North end?




  1. Come to Saskatoon!

  2. Sonya gave you some great advice for Regina, however, I could like to correct the statement that Winnipeg has nothing....we are bigger than Regina and have just as much to do, if not, more.

  3. Actually, Regina is a terrific place providing you don't tarry in the local slum, dubbed "North Central". Other than that, it's a fine place with a disproportionately active cultural sector and a booming economy. Manitoba's economy is more fragile because it is built around older industries that are not doing well. Winnipeg's slum, the North End, is big and nasty.

    Being smaller and more compact, Regina is easier to traverse and the downtown core is in better shape than Winnipeg's. The posh neighbourhoods in Regina are Lakeview, Whitmore Park  and Albert Park in the south end  of the city; University Park, Wascana View and Gardiner Park in the southeast and Normanview, Lakeridge and West Hill in the northwest. The latter is build beside a golf course. A notable suburb on the east side of Regina is Emerald Park/White City.  

    I don't know how to answer your question about bullying. It can take place anywhere and everywhere unless parents and teachers are vigilant. I don't know if there's a city or town or village  anywhere in the world that is free of it.

  4. Maybe the nicest city between these two provinces would be Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

  5. Pssssssh. There's nothing wrong with Regina. The cost of living is reasonable with what we get paid. What field do you work in? I can tell you what the job market is for those jobs.

    Trades are in high demand all over Canada, so if you guys do a trade, you've got it "made in the shade" so to speak.

    Stupid McLean's magazine did a very ridiculous article on how Regina has the highest crime rate per capita in Canada. Having grown up in the United States, I can tell you with confidence that Regina is NOTHING like big cities in the States - the crime is nowhere NEAR what you probably have to deal with (are you living in the States right now? you didn't clarify).

    Regina is a city booming with economical opportunities and Saskatchewan in general is becoming more of a destination of choice for immigrants, people who left Saskatchewan and want to return, or people looking for the best house in the best neighborhoods that their money can buy.

    North Central Regina is considered to be the "bad" part of the city. If you are concerned about living in a nice neighborhood you definitely won't want to consider that part of the city. The east, south, and newly developed north ends are GREAT places to live and raise children.

    There's nothing to do in Winnipeg and it's basically one of their biggest cities in Manitoba. You surely weren't considering Brandon or anything were you? If you like big city life, consider Regina, despite that stupid article that you probably stumbled upon.

    The new development areas of the city have the most beautiful homes I've ever laid eyes on, and you can get them for a decent price still.

    Education is great (providing you're not inner city), which like I said, you shouldn't be. What grades are your children in? Do some searches on Dr. Martin Leboldus, Campbell Collegiate, and Winston Knoll (those are high schools). You can also do a search on Regina Public (or seperate) school systems.

    Regina has a beautiful big manmade lake in Wascana park where a huge wake boarding event is held every year. Close to Craven, Saskatchewan, you'll be close to one of the biggest country music summer festivals in North America (happens in July). Mosaic is coming up. It's a multicultural event that encourages unity with samples of different types of food and drinks with arts from other cultures.

    Please don't listen to what you hear about Regina. No one knows it better than those that live there. It's a wonderful and beautiful place to live.

    Edit @ BigA - sorry to seem like I'm Winnipeg bashing. All my friends from there say over and over that there's nothing to do - so I'm a little biased! :) However, I AM Brandon bashing hehe...I've been there repeatedly, and unless you like eating at Applebees or you're very good at playing a jazz instrument or singing vocal jazz (the university there is one of the best in north america for music and has one of the biggest jazz festivals ever each March), I wouldn't move there. It is very much equipped with that "small town" mentality and I like a little bit of privacy, personally.

    I completely skipped your part about bullying. At the elementary school I went to, there was a group of students and teachers called "conflict managers" who were on the playground to help out specifically with bullying and fights that went on. In high schools in Regina, there are wonderful councellors and great peer groups that help with bullying and peer pressure and teenage struggles while in high school.

    Bullying occurs everywhere (like the other person said), but I know from experience that schools in Regina are trying to fight it. It's such a diverse city with so many different types of people and cultures that your children should fit in quite comfortably in the school system here.

  6. I think for most things, Manitoba and Saskatchewan are right on par (as far as education, cost of living and crime.

    I can't speak for Saskatchewan, though I do know from traveling there from time to time, that it's a nice place, though personally I wouldn't live there.  If I did have to, I'd pick one of the smaller cities, like Yorkton or Lloydminster (half of which is in Saskatchewan and have is in Alberta, which is pretty neat!)

    As for Manitoba, when it comes to picking between Winnipeg and Brandon, I would choose Brandon. My brother and sister would disagree with me. It's all a matter of what you prefer.

    Brandon is a smaller city, and has a lot going for it. It has several schools, a university and 2 colleges, lots of shopping oppurtunities, a good hospital, and yet a small town feel. It does have crime,  but really, what city doesn't. Overall, I think it's a fairly safe city, (which also varies on where you live in it.)

    Winnipeg has more crime, and more murders. The highest area of crime is in the north end, you were right. If I was choosing to move to Winnipeg, I'd either move to the south or west end, (east is generally the french side) or else I'd go to somewhere like Selkirk or Lockport, because I really do love those places.

    As far as schools go, I think Brandon would be better, somewhere like Crocus or Vincent Massey, or Neelin. I think that they'd be better then Winnipeg for bullying.

    As for jobs, it really does depend on what you do for a living. It is fairly safe to say though, that the majority of the time, you'd not have a problem find a job, and we are very short of skilled  workers in Manitoba, and I'm sure the same can be said for Saskatchewan too.

    Hoped I helped at least a little. Sorry, I cannot tell you more about Saskatchewan, however, Ill leave it up to someone that knows it more then I do.

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