
Mankind Should Put the Environment First. Agree? Disagree? Why?

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I personally disagree. I would always put mankind first.




  1. The environment must be put first before mankind. God did that even before the creation of man. He prepared the environment for mankind and other living things in order for them to live happily, peacefully and healthy.  If your environment is polluted, and the air which you sniff compose of CO2 and other toxic gases, how can you breath? How can your organs such as your lungs and heart help you survive? How can you live long? Pulloted air  will create polluted minds. Poor environment creates poor people. Dirty environment, creates dirty people. Do you agree?

    The problem is, man only think of his self vested interest by extracting what he wants from the environment. In some tropical countries, their forests are becoming "nude" because of indescriminate illegal logging. Trees clean air that we breath. In highly industrialize countries, determine how much daily CO2 they produce everyday and observe the effect on the health and resultant general attitude of their own people. Are they doing good, feeling good, looking good?

    See how man define himself when his priorities will be putting himself in the pedestal first before taking care of his environment. Greed for power and wealth destroys the environment. Gold, diamond, mineral  or oil miners; car manufactures;  chemical factories; and other business establishments who derive their raw materials from mother nature normally don't think about balancing their activities in order for the environment to be taken cared of while they extract wealth underneath or from the surface of the earth. While he is enriching himself, he is not aware or just don't care that he is destroying his mother nature. Hence, the poor environment. So how do you put man first?

    Are you familiar with the effect of global warming? Global warming is the product of man's indescriminate abuse of his  very own environment given by God. (I suggest watch the movie of Mr Al Gore regarding Global Warming). Man should take care of his environment first in order that his generation, and succeeding/future generations will have a healthy place to live in peace and in good health on earth.

    Btw, i might visit Australia 2-months from now... :-)

  2. What is your name? Mine formal name is Robert and my informal name is Bob. If you don't put the environment first there will be no mankind. Think about it.

  3. Given the fact that we rely on this planet to survive, with all due respect to your good question, both are living.  


    So, in your good nature, if you were to help out in a devastated nation that was hit by Mother Nature,  would you just drop the people a meal or would you give them food along with sharing your time to teach them new ways or new crops to grow on their own?   Yes, food would be putting mankind first for the moment and so only momentary solution where Mother Nature has been rewriting soil make-up.  However equally,  so would giving them education so that when you go away they will be left with the gift of knowledge and hope via showing them how important our environment is ~~imagine.  If we respect this earth, which means don't take for granted, what we have in our environment mankind is,  can be,  and so lives.

    Sometimes when countries are hit by Mother Nature their soil changes.  What once was their living is wiped out on top of M.N. making a huge mess of their land, homes, and businesses.  Ya can't stop Mother Nature or demand the weather fix or clean up the problem and if it's a man-made problem then more times than none there could be a solution.   However, sometimes natural consequences surface & are ignored, then it takes that much more time to fix things when "mankind" has stressed our environment and ignored the negative results AKA: warning signs.

  4. Putting the Environment first will be putting mankind first.

    You need a good Environment to support life.

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