doesnt like being around lots of people. thinks everyone in her family and friends is lying but doesnt know what about.she thinks she isnt prety, she cant last in a realtionship for more than 2 hours, she realizes something is wrong with her, she has ADHD and she takes ADERAL XC or like XR or something and it doesnt make her depressed just makes her awake for a person with ADHD she is very shy and follows all rules and doesnt resemble the symptoms the rest of her family had with ADHD she had a poor child hood, she hates when people feel bad for her? and thier is more stuff...?
she also forgets things like words and her name but just for like 2 seconds she also lies and she sometimes feels like someone else is takeing her over cause she does things but she cant stop herself and she doesnt rember much of her life memories just negative but not even all of them. the is only 15 she doesnt even like 1/3 of last year?
but she is incredably mature for her age.. like more mature than some 30 year olds if not 40,
she cant pay attention to anything with out medacine,
she doesnt drink obeys the law respects most elders but doesnt like men, she still respects them though, she doesnt participate in sexuel activity ,she lies and doesnt even know it though like she believes she is telling the truth but she knows she isnt she is just forceing herself to believe she cant stick one thing like she was in dance for a ear track for a year gymnastics for a year karate 2 weeks,she loves reading but more than normal and she wont talk to anyone till she reads thee book she reads the hole book no mater how long in 1 sitting, she is often funny and when she wants to be but very rarely she is outgoing, she doesnt think anyone realy wants to be her friend they are just useing her, but she want to have a friend 1 she doesnt want alot of friends, most everyone who meets her thinks she is a nice or sweet girl...