
Manual Driving?! AH!?

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Okay, What is the proper way to get a car moving (forwards and backwards), and the proper way to downshift.

I need much detail in your answers. And tell me what not to do.

I have been getting the rpms to around 2-2.5 and then letting the clutch out. But someone told me I am burning the clutch by doing that, and wasting gas. I need help. Please give me the best and most detailed answers you can. 10 points for the most helpful.




  1. It depends on your car- every manual is slightly different. You just have to learn where point of friction is, get it to this point, slowly release whilst matching it with your revs.

    When shifting up or down, use your taco or listen to your motor. Usually when you taco is at 3, shift up below two, shift down (as a general rule)

  2. just go to a empty parking lot....and go till you get it...took me 1 hour to get it good..its easy dont sweat

  3. its fairly simple to drive manual. just put the car in first gear, slowly let go of the clutch until the car starts moving forward a bit - this is called the friction point. you can roll up to 20 km an hour without even touching the gas.

    once you are rolling you can switch gears without the worry of stalling.

    its the same thing in reverse.

    it is true that you are taking the risk of burning the clutch out, if you keep it half way down for to long. as soon as the car is rolling you can let go of the clutch, than bring it up to 3000 rpm and switch to 2nd. as for fuel consomption, you will notice a difference of about 1$ in your about ten years. it barely affects the fuel consomption.

    hope this helps!
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