
Manual focus and bad vision?

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So I'm cursd with a vision problem that modern medicine apparently cant do anything about. The more I use my eyes each day, the worse my vision gets until my eye muscles have recovered.

I suppose in and of itself it's not that unusual however, with me, the differences are severe. I actually have two sets of reading glasses, for example - one for the first part of the day, one for the later part of the day.

When I try to use manual focus on my DSLR, what seems in focus to me turns out to be anything but at the end of the day. And each day, the differences are varried so that one day, what seems in focus is considerably worse than another.

Are there any tips or tricks that you could recommend for me to overcome this?




  1. Well, my eyes are bad enough that when I focus a camera or microscope or binoculars or something like that the effects of my glasses is cancelled and I end up focusing for my prescription. That means that anyone else looking thru the same focus sees soup and not what is there. If I take a picture that way then the picture is soup too. It is possible to digitally correct a digital picture back into focus using Photoshop but you have to do it on each picture separately and that gets old after (during!!!) the first picture. So, stop being stubborn about insisting on using a manual focus camera that you cannot use and only makes your life miserable and use one with a fast autofocus setting and an LCD screen for previewing what you will end up with and use your two sets of reading glasses to see the screen. You can spend your money buying gadgets to speed things up and improve things so you get what you want without torturing yourself trying to force an impossibility to happen. A sign of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over _expecting_ to get a different result. Don't drive yourself insane. Use technology to get what you want! And live happily ever after to the end of your days.... [dramatic music plays making everyone feel all squishy inside...]

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