
Manuka honey?

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HI. i read somewhere that if you give manuka honey to your rat then they can be cured from their colds. is this true? My rat ir VERY sick! she is sneezing really bad and breathing heavy and raspy. i think she has a respitory infection. someone said that if you give them manuka honey, it will put them back on the right track. where can i get some? will it work?




  1. I'm sorry to hear that your rattie is ill!

    Have you already taken her to a qualified rat vet?  I had to take my little guy to the vet as he was starting to do the same things your rat is doing.  My vet gave him a series of Vibramycin shots over the course of several weeks.  It helped a lot.

    I don't know if the manuka honey will work as it sounds like your rattie is kind of farther along.

    You could try a health food store.

    There is this place online but I think your rat needs to see the vet ASAP based on the symptoms you describe.

    Good luck!

    ETA:  Sorry to hear that there aren't any small animal vets in your vicinity.  The symptoms that you describe your rat having are VERY severe.  Pet rats do tend to have delicate upper respiratory systems.  And the sneezing and raspy sounding breath are bad signs.

    Can you get *any* vet to prescribe Vibramycin for you and your rattie?  

    Is she eating? I suppose you could try Manuka honey but all the literature that I've read says you have to get *that* kind of honey vs. any random honey for the alleged antiobiotic/healing properties.

    About vet costs, it sort of depends on where you live and what needs to be done for your rat.  It could range from $50 and up for the visit plus any meds.  (I'm in the Los Angeles area.)

    I have negotiated a monthly payment plan when costs have gotten higher than I can pay at one time.

  2. Well manuka honey is the honey from a tea tree so it has antibiotic properties. It can help alot and I used it for my rat and now she's fine. I suggest looking either online or at a health food store... it's not something most places have but it's worth a shot. If you can't get manuka honey you could put a very small amount of tea tree oil in the water... but it has to be a really small amount cuz it's strong stuff.

  3. Haha i eat that..

  4. Manuka Honey has been found to reduce the symptoms of a cold in animals and humans.  It also has very effective antibacterial properties that contribute to its healing ability.  Will it cure your rat?  It certainly can't hurt.  Check for places to order Manuka Honey.  Good luck.
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