
Many Liberals on Y A use the term "Neo Con" as a slurr! What do Liberals think it means?

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Who are the Neo Conservatives and how did they come about? Are they Conservatives or are they Liberals?




  1. Neo conservative sounds like a good thing if you take apart the word. Conservative - Good

    Liberal bad- Thats why they never call themselves liberals just Rationalists  and smart

    Neo- new- Change.... sounds like obamas slogan

    Neo - conservative Changing conservatives... Free thinkers it sounds like... Classical liberal is the proper term

  2. they are liberals who learned. The entrenched rabbid left hates them because they were once like them, but left the Kool-Aid behind as they matured.


  4. Liberals reject a neoconservative regime that has:

    1. Promoted foreign wars

    2. Eroded the boundary between church and state

    3. Run this country into extreme debt

    4. Eroded the foundation of government supports for its citizens

    5. Biased their tax policies to wealthy individuals and corportations

    6. Harmed American Industry by promoting investment in foreign countries at the expense of America

  5. Jew

  6. It was first used negatively by the liberal media. Then all the liberals use it to mean "evil person who starts wars for no reason". It is just immature b.s used by the far left.  

  7. "Neo Con" or "Liberal"

    Does either one have a real meaning?

    We don't have political ideologies in the United States any more all we have are insulting labels to hurl at each other.  

  8. There are Neo-cons and Paleo-cons. It can't be said one group is more or less conservative than the other. They just have a different opinion on what role government should play in our lives. The neo-cons have a more active approach than the paleo-cons, who believe in limited government intervention.

    You have liberal neo-cons, (G.H.W. Bush) and conservative neo-cons  (George W. Bush), and you have conservative paleo-cons (Pat Buchanan), and liberal ones (Colin Powell)

  9. Ultra conservative. Terrified of any change or progress. Would like to see things go back to the way they were in the 1950s, which was a great time if you were a white male.

  10. Neo cons are the new breed of conservative.

    Take a look at d**k Cheney, Karl Rove, the poster boys for the New World Order.

  11. In response to posters using liberal as a slur.

    Wikipedia gives a comprehensive background on the neoconservative movement.

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