
Many can never be discernend without discerning one. What is your opinion?

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Many can never be discernend without discerning one.




  1. Yes. It's simply a function of language. In English discreet entities are counted one, two, three... many.

    Variables fall into 2 groups - discrete and continuous.

    For example: 1 pebble - pebbles are discrete entities, you can have 1 pebble.

    1.26 litres of milk - milk is a continuous variable. You can't have 1 milk.

  2. There was a story about a tribe who had never seen a ship before when it arrived on the horizon no one could see it as they didnt understand what they were looking fr the shaman wa taught to see it and then showed the others how to be aware of that particular configuration of light and dark and movement that signalled a ship. Once you have seen one you can see a hundred.

    Also you need to be in discerning mode - wanting to be aware.

  3. well duh. learning comes steps at a time.. so obviously you would need to learn one thing before moving onto something more advanced or complex. And so forth before attaining multitudes of knowledge

  4. The absence of capability of discerning is the absence of learning.  To discern is to be aware, knowing, and enlightened what is right to attain absolute right.  It is the ability to set in motion on the wheel of learning, without it is like listening without hearing.  What is true can remain false.

  5. That's why you should have discernment!

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