
Many cars in brazil use ethanol from sugar cane as fuel 4 cars instead of petrol n diesel?

by  |  earlier

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so, y dun so many smartass out there, y dun all of u smartass , so many of u smartass out there, do the same also ???

Fed up of high oil prices




  1. alchohol can be made out of any plant.

    the oil companies claim that a car has to have gasoline to some extent to run , ask any old hillbilly how true that is.

    the first diesel engine ran on peanut oil , diesel fuel wasn't invented then.

    Go to the races many of them rum alchohol (alcky)

  2. Did you know the US already produces as much ethanol as brazil? We have a much larger market.

  3. what's the question?

    anyway, i agree. chevy/ford/etc... make cars that burn ethanol to sell over there and in other countries. sad uhuhuhuh

  4. no

  5. ok

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