
Many cultural anthropologists say that it is not in the male's nature to be faithful?

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what about women?




  1. It's in no ones nature without a taught, moral restraint.  Jealousy, however, has been demonstrated to be universally inherent.  That should be an intriging clue as to the unnatural desire to "hut hop".  We were created with the inborn intent to faithfully devote ourselves to our loved mate.  Promiscuity is simply a gluttonness, self-centered  desire of our fallen nature from when our first parents were created perfect.

  2. That's because it is hard to see when your head is shoved so far up your ...

    Beware the "experts."  Most statistics are pulled from the same place they keep their heads.

  3. Nope, in fact it wasn't until we moved from a hunter/gatherer society to one of farming and cultivation that the idea of one man one women started. If you think about it that is the way to evolutionary success as it spreads out the gene pool. This kind of breeding is needed until there is a sufficiently sized gene pool. One that eliminates or greatly reduces the possibility of birth defects do to inbreeding.

  4. I think the idea is that if all we want to do is have as many babies as possible, men will have s*x with a lot of different women, since one woman can only have a child every nine months, and only for part of her life.  The woman would then stay put to raise her children.  I would be surprised to hear a cultural anthropologist say that though.  They don't talk a lot about what is and is not human nature, they document and analyse different cultures.


  6. Many women say that too.

  7. I don't think your source is right. By definition, cultural anthropologists rely on learned cultural traits to understand human behavior. The idea of a "male nature" that can determine human behavior is foreign to cultural anthropology.

    Instead, if you consider the meme concept developed by zoologist R. Dawkins in "The Selfish Gene", then you find an idea that leads to inevitable behaviors such as male unfaithfulness. In this idea, only men would compete with each other to pass on their genes. Women then are naturally faithful. I do not agree.

  8. Perhaps, but do not commit the " naturalistic fallacy ". You can not derive how things " ought " to be, from the " is " of how they are naturally.

    Women can be unfaithful, too, but usually far different reasons than men. Think about the evolutionary variance between men and women.

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