
Many particles carry negative or positive charge. what is the charge. is this the energy. is the this force?

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many particles carry negative or positive charge

what is the charge???

is this the energy. ???

is the this force. ???

last question.......... is this the data of information ???

particles carry negative and positive charge......what this charge is made for ???

very sincerely yours

rahat rehman

a man who give respect to every one regardless man and woman or poor....ugly or beautiful.... literate or illiterate.

and ..... I say : Thank you very much my dear sir................with good respect and regard.....................................




  1. Charge is not energy or a force. It is a property of particles, like mass is also a property of particles.

    When I speak of mass being a property of a particle, I am talking about the "mass at rest", i.e., when the speed of the particle is 0.

    There is a relationship between mass and energy, Einstein's famous equation E = mc2. So the mass of a particle, and its energy, increases with speed.

    Such relationship does not exist for the charge of particles. A particles charge does not change, regardless of the particle's speed or energy.

    Charge is not a force, but charged particles will exerce a force on other charged particles. The force is attractive between particles of opposite charges and repulsive between particles of same charge.

    The best way to visualize electric charge forces is to think of magnets. The magneytic force is related to the electric force and they operate in a similar way ( in the sense that they can be attractive or repulsive. Gravity is always an attractive force.)

    Hope this helps answer your question.

  2. Hi Rahat rehman. There are a few particles which are not really made of anything but themselves, and there are a few forces which aren't made up of anything but themselves. Electromagnetism is one of these forces.

    I find it easiest, personally, not to think of a force as a thing, but more like an action. I think less about what it is and more about what it does. Eg, gravity makes things move towards each othe. Electromagnetism carries signals through empty space, and also heats materials as it passes through them, and so on. There are two "sides" to electricity, the positive and the negative. These two sides attract each othe. If a particle has the more positive side, it is said to be positively charged. If, say, another particle nearby has more of the negative side, these two particles will be drawn towards each other, with a force very much stronger than gravity.

    That's my picture, anyway,. Hope it helps. Respect.,

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