
Many people feel that the world would be better off without any mosquitos. Do you agree?

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any answer!

anyways, what are the benefits of mosquitos in life?

i call out expert ecologist to answer this

and also those who hates mosquitos as well.




  1. I consider myself to be both an environmentalist and a mosquito hater. The food chain is part of the way our natural world sustains itself. Every time we eliminate some species or whatever, the balance that keeps the world ticking is thrown out of whack. I may hate mosquito's but it's existence is necessary for balance and our very existence depends on that.

  2. Bats  feed on mosquitos.

  3. Mosquitoes are an important part of the food chain.  It would be tough to get by with out them.  I do hate them though.

  4. Personally I wouldn't miss them.  But the answer is probably we would not be better off.  Here's why:

    Mosquitos provide an important part of the diet for many other species--birds and frogs, and some fish.  If there were no mosquitos, the populations of those species would drop sharply--thus eliminating a food source for larger predators.  And that would have other ripple effects--some of those predators would be ones that also eat some animals that feed off vegitation, causing those plants to mushroom in population.  Which would cause. . ..

    You get the idea--an ecology is a complex system of relationships between a large number of species.  Take one out, and the entire network can unravel--andit can take decades for a new balance to be established.  IF a new balance is established--that's not a given. The Sahara desert used to be a rich ecosystem, not unlike the Serengeti or the American Great Plains.  Ecological disruption of various kinds (including overgrazing by early human tribes (we think) destabilized the ecosystem there.

    Granted, the consequences of losing mosquitos would almost certainly not be that drastic.  But the more scientists  learn, the more we realize that making unthinking changes in ecosystems is NOT a wise policy.

  5. i truely hate mozzies...

    i would rather live with spiders than mozzies..

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