
Many people say thast good is relative.?

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I believe that goodness is part of an absolute. Its when we change it around to fit our selfish needs that it becomes relative to us. Does anyone agree or do you think that I am just telling myself this because I need to believe that there is something out there, greater than us?




  1. ~If you want to get into the nuances of categorical imperatives, read Emanuel Kant.

    As  far as something out there 'greater than us' I suggest Nietzsche, Sartres, and  Richard Dawkins, to name just a few of the debunkers of mythology.

  2. ask yourself this.... who does "good " benefit?  you or the person that your helping?  or both?  

    does "bad " benefit you or hurt the other person... who prospers?

    the bible says " what is it to gain the whole world and lose your very existence < your soul >"

    God in his perfect <supereme goodness> gave his only born son.... for us , just so that we may get back to that perfection, since losing it from the days of adam and Eve < first sin>

    seek Jesus First...and you'll find he was looking for you...  

  3. It's easier to sit in an air-conditioned office and say "good is relative."

    If such people were lined up in a firing line to be executed, and given the choice to call their execution "good" or "bad," and if they called it "bad," they would go free, and continue to live in their air-conditioned offices, how relative would "good" and "bad" be at that point?  Pretty much everybody would ABSOLUTELY act as if being executed were "bad."

    That's the Kantian categorical imperative:  act as if your action were the norm for the world.  Those who have air-conditioned offices, family, tv and car, etc., are going to absolutely desire to continue living.

    More to the point, Pascal said that if one has a few basic rules, e.g. love God completely, and by applying them in one's life, and by so doing one gains an infinity of Good, that is a logical and good wager.  That's if one has no clue that "God is."

    Try reading "The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis,

    "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?", Free and Wilcock,

    "The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet,

    "Expecting Adam," Martha Beck,

    "Extraordinary Knowing," Dr. Elizabeth Mayer,

    "They Call Me Coach," John Wooden,

    "Soul Traveler," Albert Taylor,

    "When God Writes Your Love Story," Eric and Leslie Ludy, and

    "Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves, for some further informed opinions about what may be.  There's far more evidence that God, Good, is, than otherwise.

  4. "goodness" is an idea invented by Man to tell ourselves that by acting a certain way, it will be favorable to our existence.

    There was no "goodness" hundreds of thousands of years ago when we started to evolve from apes, but at some point a smart ape realized that if he shared his bananas with some of his buddies, they would share some of their melon with him.

    Only once man got smart enough to invent the notion of reasoning and a higher power did we assign a positive word to this ancient method of survival ---  "goodness"

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