
Many people say that you can predict the future in dreams, how can you learn abou this?

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I have very vivid dreams and sometimes i even have dreams where things that happen in the dream happen after I dream it.

How can I look into developing this skill?




  1. If you are looking up the Art of Dreams  there are millions of encyclopedias,  active forums , and books about it. You dreams are mostly  your subconsious telling you  something, it picks up alot of things that determine you and others actions, which helps predict what will happen in the future.

  2. i have dreams that become real to, but i dont think that their is a way to make them happen or become betta...i have reaserched alot obout dreams and nothing has told me about making them betta, if you would like to learn about dreams you can google things, i can give you a few sites if you want but just keep reaserching it and comferm it by cheaking it on another site atleat 2 or 3 or more times.

    btw its not a skil it just happends

  3. I have the same thing you do but mine only come once in  blue moon and i'm pretty sure usually after i have them they happen but their small not big happenings. Anyway to answer your if  you type in preminitions[ that's what their called] you'll get some answers. I don't know how you can make them happen it probably has to do with spirituality or cleansing your mind. Hope this helps.

  4. I dunno, but most of my dreams come true.

    Does that mean something?

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