
Many scientists hypothesize that a cloud of interstellar dust,gas and ice collapsed to form a nebula from?

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which our sun and planets formed.What factor is responsible for causing most of this interstellar material to condense,forming our sun?A.magnetic attraction B.ultraviolet radiation C.dissipation of gases D.gravitational attraction




  1. It is difficult to give exact answer from the choices given.

    Because many elements contribute for condensation of hydrogen from a nebula.

    Mostly due to the electromagnetic radiations that are coming from nearby stars. a disturbance is produced in the gas (hydrogen) in the cloud.

    Due to this at a particular station a greater density region is created.

    This disturbs the equilibrium of gravitational force and the region get started to contract due to its increased gravitational force.

    Hence the temperature start increasing (as volume decreases & pressure increases) and further at a particular temperature fussion reaction is started.

  2. D

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