I do local theatre, but I don't usually dream about acting. If I have, it's been about a show I was in the middle of, but I haven't done a show recently.
I dreamt I was backstage at an awards ceremony, but I was continually on the wrong side of the stage. I'd run back & forth, but was always blocked by props and never made it on time.
It was annoying at first, but then I became frantic when I won for best actress or supporting actress (I couldn't hear which) and I couldn't get out there to accept it. Because of that, the organizers got someone else to present the award I was to do (b'c they thought I wasn't there.)
Finally, our show won the evening and I desperately decided to climb over all the crazy props to get out there, but I'm afraid of heights & I cried at the top b'c it was an insane obstacle course to get thru of unsteady mattresses, boxes, lamps, etc. I wasn't dressed right & was still too late when I finally got there - alone & in the dark.
Would love your help!