
Map questions???

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on a contour map, what does it mean when the lines are closer together???

Which of the following scales is largest? (map wise?)

- 1:24,000

- 1: 125,000

- 1:5,000,000

and the hardest:

. Explain where the following are located, what continents does it pass through, or include? :

the equator

the prime meridian

the Tropic of Cancer

the Tropic of Capricorn

the Arctic Circle

the Antarctic Circle

the North Pole

the South Pole

the hemispheres

whoever does this the fastest and most correct will get 10 points given out by me! =D




  1. 1)  contour lines closer together means steeper slopes.

    2)  1:24,000 would show greater detail of a smaller area whereas 1:5,000,000 would show a much greater area in less detail

    3)  Equator - divides the earth in half north and south passing through south america & africa

      prime meridian indicates 0 degrees of longitude and passes through england.

    tropic of cancer lies about 23 degrees north of the equator and marks the northerly limit of where the sun can appear to be directly overhead at noon

    tropic of capricorn is the "opposite" of the tropic of cancer

    arctic circle  lies about 66 degrees north of the equator and marks the southerly limit of the polar day/night or where the sun can appear (polar day) or not (polar night) at least once a year for a 24 hour period

    antarctic circle  is the "opposite" of the arctic circle.

    north pole is the point in the northern hemisphere where the Earth's axis of rotation meets the Earth's surface

    south pole is the "opposite" of the north pole

    hemispheres....even though hemi means half, the earth has 4 hemispheres northern (half of the earth north of the equator), southern (half of the earth south of the equator), eastern (half of the earth between the prime meridian and 180 degrees to the east) and western (half of the earth between the prime meridian and 180 degrees to the west).

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