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I'm not a margarita person, im more of a beer girl, and everytime i go out for mexican with friends they want pitchers of margaritas, any suggestions for making them tolerable for me? i find them to salty and to "alcoholy" tasting...




  1. let them get it, and you can get a glass of beer if they won't compramize a few times. it sounds selfish of them

  2. I hate the salt also. Just get no salt  and squeeze the lime the give you into the margarita makes it better

  3. Well first, ask for no salt. They are commonly ordered saltless. BUT as far as their taste, I have always thought they were too sweet and tart. I can handle one, but more than that can upset my stomach. I'm a beer guy myself. Just order what you want, your the one that has to drink it.

  4. If you are set on splitting pitchers of margaritas with your friends, ask that your glass have no salt. Also, you could ask for some lime wedges or orange wedges (any place with a bar should have these available) and squeeze the juice into your drink. This usually makes them better to me. Good luck.

  5. Ask for strawberry or banana they are pretty good, or just ask for a XX's Bohemia or Pacifico, I'm sure your friends won't be ofended.

  6. Well try telling the waiter, "Sin Sal" next time you order one.   That is simply, NO salt...

  7. suggest a mango margarita.. they're not too sweet and u can barely taste d alcohol ; )   they're d best!

  8. Why don't you stick to ahatever it is you like? And if you feel must have a margarita there are a few places where they are more like lime sherbets. Those are not to bad.
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