
Marble Repair and Installation Job

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My brother is a skilled marble reapair and instllation worker in Taiwan. As he plans to study here later, I just wonder would that be possible for him to work in part-time to do marble repair etc. I mean, are there these kind of jobs here? Where to look for this kind of job? Thank you.




  1. There are fabricators and marble restoration companies that are always looking for skilled technicians.  He would have better luck finding a position in a larger statistical marketing area, like Atlanta, LA, San Diego, NYC, Chicago in this economy.  There is residential and commerical work that is more plentiful in these larger cities that in smaller ones.  But he should focus his job search by obtaining lists of fabricators and restoration companies, contacting them directly and showing examples of his work. (Fabricators are easy to track down if he goes to local slab yards they have tons of cards for area fabricators.)  If he can also do granite, limestone and other natural stone (travertine, for example), he can check for work with kitchen and bath remodelers that are large and established.  But, their business volume has really slowed with the economic slump in home improvement.

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