
Marble fireplace, help with sticky tape residue?

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This is driving me mad, took back board off and the tape that was put on to keep it in place has left an awful mess, ive tried everything, please please help, its sealed marble if that helps, desperate for an answer, thanks.




  1. WD40 is supposed to do the trick......

  2. try nail polish remover

  3. if you use anything like that on marble you wil stain it.

    lighter fluid from ronson is marble friendly and removes anything. don't make the same mistake as my dad and use meths or thinners as he ruined a very expensive fireplace and it was only 3 days old

  4. Emulsifying ointment or anything that includes it will shift it. (Check the labels on your cleanser and moisturiser).  You can always buy a tub at the chemists.  Moisten the goo, rub in some emulsifying ointment and leave it for a few minutes.  You'll then find you can wash it all off.  (I wouldn't recommend nail varnish remover, it will react with the sealer and leave a mark)

  5. try using a magic sponge .. seriously.. they are very good for this type of thing

  6. Citrus based cleaners, you can buy the cheap at family dollar.

  7. Methylated spirits or paint thinners.may work

  8. Use a warm iron with slightly damp kitchen cloth, and fine paint scraper, place damp tissue on the subject and hold the hot iron on it till it softens and then gently scrape with the scraper. MAKE SURE THERE IS NO WATER IN THE IRON OR YOU WILL SCALD YOURSELF or, I don't know if you can get them where you are, a white "magic sponge", you wet the sponge and it works like an eraser, needs a bit of elbow work though. Good luck its a boring messy and tiresome job.

  9. Be careful of chemical removers, they will also remove the sealant on the marble. Rubbing alcohol will work sometimes, but it will not damage marble finish. Wipe on and off with a lint-free cloth or lint-free paper towel. The only paper towels which are lint-free are very soft, and feel like cloth.

  10. WD40, mineral spirits, or lighter fluid should all do the trick without damaging the finish.

  11. there is a product in most all stores called "goo gone". It is especially for sticky residues and is marble and finish friendly. I use it all the time around here.

  12. Furniture polish will disolve sticky tape adhesive, but just try a small area first just in case it marks the marble. Other than that there is a product ( in UK) called HG Sticker remover which will remove it..... usually sold at ceramic tile stores etc

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