So, i'm a flute player and this is my second year of high school band (7th year of playing flute) but in this years field show i am on the 50 in the front through most of the first song (like 6 sets worth) I lead everyone places and am an end in a few diagonals.. but i am having a horrible time facing front stage while marching and playing, and i want to look good since i'm right in front..
its seems like we have it worse then the other instruments since we need to twist so much more for our arms to reach ... so any suggestions on how to make it looks better/make it easier?
btw, i go frontwards and backwards, all facing front stage..
i'm in band camp all week, so i do have 4 more days to get it good, and then a few weeks.. but we play at the first football game, the first friday in september, so i don't have a HUGE amount of time...
thanks [=