
Marching band? mellophone players?

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okay i am a freshman in high school well i will be next year and i play the mellophone which is what french horn players use during marching band. i have barelly been playing and i haven't marched to much yet (we have band practice this week) and i am SOOO sore has anyone else been where i am? marching components its self isn't to hard but putting them all together is and standing at attention for like 5 minutes is KILLING me and i shake when i am doing that.. does anyone know any secrets to help or will i most likely just have to live... but beyond the soreness i enjoy marching band... if you have played let me know if you liked it or like what to expect




  1. Work on your body core, doing cruches, sit-ups, and push-ups. DON'T stress you shoulders or necks. Do a breathing exercise (which every band should be doing). Try doing air push ups. I know it sounds weird. Take in a huge breath pulling your arms back once and then another pulling your arms back to the fullest and then push it ALL out into a clap. Do that until you're light headed. But be sure to do it around or with friends so they can spot you in case you pass out. Don't worry it's all part of the job description, this just prepares you so you won't pass out during performance. Now once you feel light headed, get your head below your heart immediately. Wait a couple of minutes breathing through your nose and out your mouth. Slowly come up visualizing every bone in your back stacking upon each other until you reach even the smallest bones at the top of you head. Keep you shoulders rolled back and down but don't force it. Move your head slowly from side to side. The most important thing to do for your muscles is not to stress or clench them otherwise it will be easier to tire quickly.

  2. I marched in a large HS band for three years and a drum and stumble corps for two years and my advice is to just mellow out and loosen up.  Don't tighten up when you are standing at attention, that is why you see soldiers fall on the ground during ceremonies.

  3. I was in the marching band for all 4 years of high school (clarinet).  It was difficult at first to learn and put together all the steps.  We had to do drills where you would pick up your foot and balance that way.  If you feel that you need extra practive on something, don't hesitate to ask an upperclassmen about it.  Other than the inital difficulty, I had alot of fun and made alot of friends

  4. I am currently a high school senior. I am the drum major of my band and i have some very good advise. My band director alays says that when you practice you should work through the pain before you break.the more you do that the easier it gets to play for longer periods of time. The standing at attention is hard with the mellophone but if you build your arm strength i'mpretty sure it will get much easier. Hope this helps.

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