
Marcianos style of boxing?

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marciano was not a stylist at all he took lots of punches and often was behind on pts before he knocked out an apponent marciano used to beat a guys arms down until they couldnt hold them up no more he took alot of punishment but the arm beating payed off he also crouched other than that he had little defense but he had the punch of a 220 lb heavyweight and when he had a man tired he would go in for the kill as far as walcott and moore knocking him down walcott had one of the most powerful left hooks in history and marciano got right up and moore could hit like a heavyweight and marciano quickly got up with moore the way marcianos style was he got hit more than he hit the other guy true patterson beat moore faster than marciano did but floyd was more of a stylist floyd avoided punches more then marciano marciano would take punishment and wear a guy down it worked in all of his 49 fights marciano is often confusing to boxing fans because you read about how he got hit alot




  1. Is this a question?  Where are you getting at?  Most of us who know boxing already know this about Marciano.  If I can add to it,  Patterson would never have beaten Moore so easily had Moore not fought Marciano first.  Rocky took a lot out of Moore.  As resourceful as he was, Moore was never the same after Marciano.  Floyd might not even have beaten him had HE fought Archie first.  

    Marciano could PUNCH Like a Big man but I don't think he would have taken the punches of some of the Big men, like Forman or Lewis.  He had a good chin but his heart was even bigger.  His quality of opposition wasn't so great but he beat everyone put in front of him, which was the best available competition, and ducked no one.  

    Can't ask for more than that.

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