
Mare that tries to bight when you mount bareback-- also i have a loping question ( fear )?

by Guest59962  |  earlier

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Now that I know how to get myself on my horse bareback Im starting to have trouble actually following through with it.. My horse pins her ears back and tries to bite. I;ve tried to hold the reins tighter on the opposite side. but then she gets scared and tries to kick me... any suggestions?

loping-- im great with trotting and walking my horse.. i can do it without holding on to anything. but on this horse im scared to lope.. i don't know why. I can do everything else just fine. do you have any advice? how can i lope and not worry or fall.. my balance is great.. its just my nerves tho..

additional info-- 15.3 hh mare -- pretty good trust except when i tryto mount bareback. thanks!




  1. hmmm...that describes my ex-wife

  2. First, if you are scared to lope or canter, don't. You and your horse have some serious trust issues. Holding the reins tighter just makes her feel trapped, and her "fight or flight" reflex kicks in. As she can't get away (you are holding the reins) she fights (kicks at you).  Horses are prey animals, people are pedators. A horse can get "killed" by allowing anything on its back. It really isn't natural for them. Your horse sounds like a "super prey" animal. If you really, really, want to fix this, and fix all the trust issues, it sounds like you could use the Parelli 7 Games.  I use them, and they work miracles. Some will say it's a bunch of hokum, but it honestly does work. You need to get your trust foolproof on the ground, before you get on her again. If you do get on her, and get nervous, GET OFF!! Don't feel bad about not loping. It will come in time. If you push it, you could damage any trust the two of you have.

  3. Well maybe with you riding bareback you are making it uncomfortable for her and so she is trying to tell you not to get on like that IT HURTS..

    Loping- Dont feel bad I can w/t my appaloosa mare fine and I can jump her but when it comes to cantering its a whole new issue.. I am a very quiet person and my horse is very weary of people due to past issues and My mare picks up a fast canter then slows down. She has never dumped me yet that fear is still their. I think its something you have to do to get over it. I still fight with instructor not to canter.. (instructor is like my sis)

  4. if shes pinning her ears back u might be hurting her back if ur jumping up from the ground. try easing yourself on instead. my friend had a horse (whatacutestory) and she just didnt like people gettin on bareback she always did the same exact thing. and as for loping... just do it once u do it u'll be fine

  5. Um, try my source.  I think it should help you.  I'm not sure.

  6. Well, chances are that youre hurting her back. Try to get on with a block, and ease lightly onto her back.

    Dont be scared of the lope it needent be faster than a normal trot. and its really smooth.

  7. well I can honestly say that's  prob 1  is because she is a doma moma [or top dog] and thinks hmm noo you can't get on that way because she didn't make this change making her diss agree with what you are trying to do here are some tips

    I rarely say some of thingss but i know what I am talking about

    1. when she starts to bite take the lead rope or reins and first gently hit her with it increse if this does not work try something else don't beat her to were she has scabs never hit in flank or behind

    2 pop her nose usally a couple times try diff places every time

    3get in round pin and run her till she's drippin sweat [mom's way] because that's how doim females get point across in wild

    join the club!!!!!!!!!

    I can't noo i won't lope besides if you aren't comf with it then just don't do it

  8. just go with the flow and follow through youll be fine

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